
The merit of narrating expedient means

2024-07-02 18:00:00


In the Mahayana sutras, it is taught that one important way to accumulate merit is to convey the teachings of expedient means to others.


I wrote about its significance in the article dated September 7, 2023.



The Mahayana sutras teach that the merit (= benefit) of conveying the teachings of expedient means is also immeasurably great.


For example, the Diamond Sutra contains the following passage:


“Subhuti, if there is someone in the three thousand great world systems who possesses a collection of seven treasures like all the Mount Sumerus, and gave it away as an offering and another person were to uphold, read, recite, and explain even four lines of verse from this Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Prajnaparamita Sutra) for the benefit of others, the former's virtue would not even one percent of the latter one's, and the latter's merit would be far greater, surpassing the former by hundreds of thousands of millions of times, so much so that it cannot even be compared through counting or analogy." (Hajime Nakamura and Kazuyoshi Kino, "The Heart Sutra and the Diamond Sutra" (Iwanami-Bunko), pp. 118, 120)”


It is safe to assume that the term "virtue" mentioned here refers to the accumulation of merit.


Furthermore, in the Vimalakirti Sutra, the merit of conveying the teachings of expedient means is discussed as part of the true Dharma.


"Ratnākuśala, in this way, the bodhisattva, following the arising of his sincere mind, arouses his conduct; following the arising of his conduct, he arouses deep aspiration; following the arising of his deep aspiration, he disciplines his mind; following the disciplining of his mind, he acts according to the teachings; following his actions according to the teachings, he dedicates the merit; following his dedication of the merit, there arises expedient means; following the arising of expedient means, sentient beings are perfected; following the perfection of sentient beings, his Buddha-land becomes pure; following the purification of his Buddha-land, his wisdom becomes pure; following the purification of his wisdom, his mind becomes pure; following the purification of his mind, all merits become pure. Therefore, if a bodhisattva wishes to obtain a pure land, he should purify his mind. Following the purification of his mind, his Buddha-land will become pure." (Hajime Nakamura et al., trans. (1974), Mahayana Sutras - Vimalakirti Sutra, p. 8 (Chikuma-Shobo))


And in the Lotus Sutra, numerous parables and stories are included to make it easier for people (sentient beings) to understand, thereby facilitating the teaching of expedient means.


So, is it really possible to accumulate great merit by conveying the teachings of expedient means?


I can confidently say that it is.


Because I (= SRKW Buddha) myself have aroused the aspiration for enlightenment in this way, developed the conditions for awakening, and have come to realize that the rare "phrases of the Dharma" in the world are indeed true Dharma phrases.


This truth does not differ from what Shakyamuni Buddha taught and does not negate the early Buddhist scriptures.


For example, it is akin to travel to Tokyo (the capital) from a certain place can be done by taking an airplane or by riding a bicycle.

