The Probability of Enlightenment (= Liberation)

2024-05-27 18:00:00

Nirvana, as the state of enlightenment, is preached as a state of true peace, free from delusion.

By attaining enlightenment and liberation, people (sentient beings) reach and dwell in this Nirvana.

However, there may be cases where a person believes they have attained enlightenment and reached Nirvana, but in reality, they have not.

Even though, this is separate from the fact that Nirvana truly exists and that other practitioners can reach this blissful state through Buddhist practice.

In short, even if there are people who mistakenly claim that something that is not enlightenment is enlightenment, it is merely their own misconception. Those who attain true enlightenment will emerge in the world regardless of such misunderstandings.

And this scenario could also apply to me (= SRKW Buddha).

However, even if my enlightenment is different from the enlightenment described by Shakyamuni, it can still be said that this has no bearing on other Buddhist practitioners correctly attaining enlightenment.

In other words, regardless of what I preach or demonstrate, other Buddhas will appear independently of that.

Of course, I (= SRKW Buddha) have absolute confidence in my own enlightenment (= liberation).

And this confidence constitutes the entire basis for the certain existence and probability of enlightenment (= liberation).

For example, an adult already has an awareness of being an adult.

The insight of having attained enlightenment and the certainty of having undoubtedly reached Nirvana are similar to this.

It is something that does not require validation from anyone else, nor do I feel the need for such validation.

In other words, a Tathagata simply manifests the state of Nirvana in the world, and that very act is the proof of being a Tathagata.
