
Desire for approval

2024-04-29 18:00:00


One characteristic of a fool is a strong desire for approval, often referred to as the need for validation.


Such individuals tend to seek validation based on their self-constructed doctrines, while simultaneously experiencing a dependence on the validation derived from those doctrines.


However, in such a state, it is highly unlikely that one can walk the path correctly.


This is because they interpret things only in ways that suit their own interests, and even if the truth were to appear before them, they would turn away from it.


As a result, he eventually becomes uncertain about which way to proceed.


I wrote about this in an article dated February 17, 2024.



Now, why is it difficult for those driven by the desire for approval to attain enlightenment (= Liberation) ?


It's because the state of enlightenment, namely Nirvana, is a realm devoid of the desire for approval.


And the path of the Buddha Way, which is the path along the way, is none other than a path devoid of the desire for approval, where practitioners rely solely on themselves as they walk.


In essence, the practice of the Buddha Way is like walking the path of a rhinoceros horn, where there is no room for human intervention from others, and therefore, practitioners have no need to appeal to or seek recognition from others.


In fact, as practitioners advance in the practice of the Buddha Way, they become increasingly quiet, engage in introspection, and gradually delve deeper into their inner selves.

