
2024-04-25 18:00:00


The various Tathagatas fundamentally disclose all matters related to Buddhism.


That is to say, the reason it is taught that there is no closed fist in the hands of the Tathagatas, unlike teachers selecting limited content to teach their students.


I wrote an article about this on July 27, 2023.



By the way, there are practitioners who, although still in the midst of their practice, boast of having reached a certain state or horizon, yet deliberately refrain from disclosing the details.


However, this actually exposes the fact that they have not understood anything about enlightenment.


Because there is no reason to allow a practitioner to withhold their insights when all the Tathagatas disclose everything related to Buddhism.


So, why does he choose to be cryptic?


That is because such behavior indicates that the practitioner harbors a competitive and overly self-conscious mindset, namely, a strong attachment to the ego.


And his engagement in such actions itself suggests that the insights he claims to have acquired are dubious and diverge significantly from what should be considered authentic in true Buddhism.


However, even such practitioners, if they detach themselves from ego and articulate the thoughts they have arrived at to other practitioners or enlightened beings, would come to realize the fundamental error they are committing.


This leads to the introspection that should occur and ultimately becomes an opportunity for repentance (SAN GE).


If he achieves this, it can be said that he is already close to Nirvana, and enlightenment (= liberation) is not far away.

