
The State of Happiness

2024-03-21 18:00:00

The enlightened one resides in a state of happiness, and the status is specifically characterized by the following:

“The enlightened one has no regrets or worries about the past, have eliminated all sorrows and sufferings regarding the present, and there are no ominous concerns about the future.”

On the other hand, sentient beings dwell in regret over the past, are troubled amidst the hustle and bustle of the present, and are pessimistic about the future.

Now, the state of happiness in which the enlightened reside fundamentally differs from the temporary sense of happiness or prosperity experienced by ordinary people (sentient beings).

This is because, this state of happiness is unconditionally bestowed, believed to be enduring throughout one's lifetime, with a liberated mind, free from the rekindling of desires and immune to any form of deterioration.

After all, it is a state brought about by liberation, a state that has transcended the name and form (nama-rupa) of human suffering by extinguishing and ending it.

Therefore, this complete extinction ensures that there is no further risk of deterioration, much like how a seed, when absent, cannot grow into a large crystal; similarly, there is no fear of nama-rupa reassembling once again.

And thus, one can savor the profound sense of having completed what needs to be done as a human being.

Therefore, the enlightened one has unloaded a heavy burden and, moreover, faces no fear of shouldering it again.

The most wise individuals understand that this state of happiness is indeed the true state of happiness, and they themselves strive towards this state of happiness.

The moment they think so, they are already walking the path towards the state of happiness.
