











今日はぬか漬けを取り出している時に、なぜか蚊に腕の内側を噛まれた。2ミリくらい腫れた。むかつく、蚊。ベープと蚊取り線香だ!そうそう、そして卵の黄身も漬けたのよ。1日ちょいくらい。うまかった。 次回はその写真とるぜ!


I had a full day today, went to work, left work at around 4PM and got to a volunteer venue.  I help elementary school kids with studying. They are so adorable.  


Then, I had to go renew my boat license and sat at a lecture.  Should get the new one back by the weekend!!


Not sure why I keep renewing my boat license, since I don't get on boats these days.  Same with my car license.  I am not rich or anything, so most of people who live in downtown Tokyo, don't really have a car because one can get around quite easily.  Dont really need a car even in travels thru Japan - maybe an exception is Hokkaido but one can still get around. I even notice many families with kids these days don't own cars.


Anyway came home, took a nice hot shower. 


Lied down a litlte on my bed, but I wanted to watch some Star Wars and for a snack, I wanted some veggies.  


Went to a fridge and digged out  Orange Paprika, Zucchini, a slice of Garlic, Cabbage and a half cut Carrot.  Whilst, a mosquite bit my inner arm.  Damn.  I will burn the insence and kill it!!!


Oh, i also pickeld an egg yolk.  It was so good and I had it before I could even take a picture.  I will take a picture next time.