17@あなたの脳または手にマイクロチップをインプラント埋め込みたいですか? ハルマゲドンへ | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


17@あなたの脳または手にマイクロチップをインプラント埋め込みたいですか?    ハルマゲドンへのカウントダウン


「情報銀行」創設へ指針 政府、通販データ管理などで




17@あなたの脳または手にマイクロチップをインプラント埋め込みたいですか?    ハルマゲドンへのカウントダウン

Do You Want To Implant Microchips Into Your Brain Or Hand? | | Countdown to Armageddon


Are you ready to have a microchip implanted into your brain or hand? That might not sound very appealing to you at this point, but this is exactly what the big pharmaceutical companies and the big technology companies have planned for our future.

They are pumping millions of dollars into researching “cutting edge” technologies that will enable implantable microchips to greatly “enhance” our health and our lives. Of course nobody is going to force you to have a microchip implanted into your brain when they are first introduced. Initially, brain implants will be marketed as “revolutionary breakthroughs” that can cure chronic diseases and that can enable the disabled to live normal lives.


When the “benefits” of such technology are demonstrated to the general public, soon most people will want to become “super-abled”. Just imagine the hype that will surround these implants when people discover that you can get rid of your extra weight in a matter of days or that you can download an entire college course into your memory in just a matter of hours.

このような技術の「恩恵,有利さ, 利点〔商〕利得」は一般向けに実証されている場合、すぐにほとんどの人は「克服[征服]できる超健康な人々, 健常者」になる事を望むようになります。ただ、人々はあなたが数日の内にあなたの余分な体重を取り除くか、時間だけの問題で、あなたのメモリ記憶力に大学の全課程, 講座,教科,単位をダウンロードする事ができるのを発見した場合、これらのインプラント埋め込みを取り囲む誇大広告を想像してみて下さい。

The possibilities for this kind of technology are endless, and it is just a matter of time before having microchips implanted into your brain is considered to be quite common. What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming reality, and it is going to change the world forever. And they’ll go on developing that technology until it reaches its apex in the Mark of the Beast, with which the Antichrist World Government would seek to control and monitor men even more.


Revelation 13:16-18

REV.13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

REV.13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

REV.13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.666

黙示録 13章:16-18節


This is the cleverness of the coming antichrist world government , for acceptance of his mark will be the fashion--the logical, the reasonable, the convenient, the safest, the securest, the vital, the norm, that which is accepted in the eyes of man, both small and great.

反キリストの刻印の受け入れは、ファッションになる為に、これは来るべき反キリスト世界政府の賢さであり、 論理的、合理的な、便利で、最も安全な、最も安心な、重要な、規範の、小さき者にも大いなる者にも両方の人間の見た目に受け入れられるものです。

RFID microchip implants and other forms of “wearable technology” are increasingly being viewed as “cool”, “trendy” and “cutting edge” by young people that wish to “enhance” themselves. And of course the mainstream media is all in favor of these “technological advancements”.


※●(RFIDチップ)radio frequency identificationとは?
IC と小型アンテナが組み込まれたタグやカード状の媒体から,電波を介して情報を読み取る非接触型の自動認識技術。
複数の媒体の情報を一括で読み取る事や,内蔵された IC への新たな書き込みが可能で,情報を消去して媒体を再利用することもできる。

We are told that such implants could solve a whole host of societal problems. Identity theft and credit card fraud would be nearly eliminated, many other forms of crime would be significantly reduced, children would never go missing and we wouldn’t have to remember a vast array of passwords and PIN numbers like we do now. We are told that if we just adopted such technology that our lives would be so much better.


According to a survey by tech giant Cisco Systems, about a fourth of professionals ages 18 to 50 would leap at the chance to get a surgical brain implant that allowed them to instantly link their thoughts to the Internet.


Google engineering director Scott Huffman says that within five years people will have microphones attached to their ceilings and microchips embedded in their brains in order to perform quicker internet searches.

Googleのエンジニアリング ディレクターのスコット・ハフマンは、5年以内に、人々はより速くインターネット検索を実行する為に、彼らの天井に取り付けられたマイクと、その脳内に埋め込まれたマイクロチップを持っている事を述べています。

There’s so much talk about the “advancement” and “betterment” of mankind--advanced medicine, modern technology, new inventions, better governments to make it a better world to live in--so much talk of progress, when in reality things are regressing all the more. Look around! You can’t deny it!


Is it possible that the Antichrist & the coming world government are very close to being revealed as the savior of the world system? Is the Antichrist & New World Order obtaining the kingdom by flatteries, through the hypnotic tools of technology and mass entertainment? Terrorism and the threat of terrorism also plays right into the New World Order’s hands, because it motivates governments to keep track of their people through cards, chips, hand scanners, surveillance cameras, microphones, phone taps, and various other ways.

反キリストと、今後来るべき世界政府は、世界システムの救世主として明らかにされるのが、非常に近い事は可能ですか?反キリストと新世界秩序 New World Orderは、技術と大衆娯楽の催眠ツールを通じて、陰謀、巧言,お世辞を言う事,ご機嫌とり,ごますりによって王国を得ていますか?

This sets up the infrastructure for the coming one world government, which will be even more interested in keeping track of people. They’ll say it’s all for a good purpose, of course, just as they do now. “After all, how else can we stop crime and criminals, crack down on terror and terrorists, and eliminate drugs and violence from our society?

これは、人々を追跡する事に、さらに興味があるであろう来るべき統一世界政府one world governmentの為の(社会の)基礎となる施設を設立します。彼らはそれは彼らが今と同じように、もちろん、良い目的が全てだと言うでしょう。 結局のところ、他にどのようにして我々はテロとテロリストの取り締まり、犯罪や犯罪者を停止し、私達の社会から薬物や暴力をなくす事ができますか?

Take this card, this chip, this number. We simply have to keep a better eye on things. And you have nothing to fear from us. “We’re here to help you.” And the people of the world will nod understandingly as they give up their liberties little by little, ever so slowly and gradually, as they head down the dark path the Antichrist has planned for them. It will let the government collect data on “every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every Web site you visit and e-mail you send or receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book and every event you attend.

このカードを、このチップを、この番号を受け取りなさい。私達は、単に物事をより良く見張っている必要があります。そして、あなたは私達からは恐れるものは何もありません。「私達はあなたを助ける為にここにいます。 」そして、彼らは少しずつ自分達の自由をあきらめるように、彼らは反キリストが彼らの為に計画している暗い方向へ(人の)行手,進路,軌道へ向かうように、世界の人々は、今までのように、ゆっくりと徐々に、思いやりあふれる表情で頷ウナズきます。

“Our government’s unblinking eyes will try to find suspicious patterns in your credit-card and bank data, medical records, the movies you click for on pay-per-view, passport applications, prescription purchases, e-mail messages, telephone calls, and anything you’ve done that winds up in court records, like divorces. Almost anything you do will leave a trace for these intellect computers, which will now contain records of your library book withdrawals, your loans and debts, and whatever you order by mail or on the Web.

「我々の政府の平然とした目は、あなたのクレジットカードや銀行のデータでの不審なパターン、医療記録、あなたがクリックして映画を見つけようとしてる[限定]有料制(の)(テレビ番組)、パスポート申請書、処方箋の購入、電子メールのメッセージ、電話通話、結局 離婚する破目になる裁判所の記録のあなたがした事。あなたの図書館の本の貸し出し、あなたのローンや借金、そしてどのようなメールか、またはWeb上でのあなたの注文の記録が含まれ、あなたが行ったほとんど何でもが、これらの知性あるコンピューターに痕跡,形跡を残します。

New technologies will continue to fill out the variety of information that is possible to collect on every individual; other examples include cellphone location data, biometrics, computer “black boxes” in cars that “tattle” on their owners, and location-tracking computer chips and Smart TV’s that can Spy on You in your home.


Medical privacy has collapsed, and genetic information is about to become a central part of healthcare. Unlike other medical information, genetic data is a unique combination: both difficult to keep confidential and extremely revealing about us.


The tremendous explosion in surveillance-enabling technologies, including databases, computers, cameras, sensors, wireless networks, implantable microchips, GPS, and biometrics; and the weakening of civil-liberty protections, as government and private surveillance increases and a giant infrastructure tying the technologies together is contemplated.


How can the antichrist & the world government operate as he must if the foundation is not laid? How can he rule and reign as he must without some means to guide and control the masses? Has he not already been preparing the masses through these years of conditioning?


Through his images projected on the television and in the movies, and through the many dynamic and dramatic images he sends out in many forms, shapes and sizes through the marketing of his merchandise, through his canny advertising promoting his images to the masses? He is the evil image-maker, the author of confusion, the master counterfeiter, and through his many images he deceives the nations. Consider the following Bible verses about Lucifer/Satan.

彼のイメージ,印象,表象,観念,概念,〔心〕心象,(コンピューターの)画像,映像,象徴,化身を通じてテレビや映画に投影し、多くのダイナミックでドラマチックな画像を通して彼は大衆に自分のイメージを促進する彼の気の利いた広告を通じて、彼の商品の販売を通じて、多くの形態、形や大きさで送信してますか?彼は邪悪なイメージメーカー画像,印象を作る者、混乱、マスター偽造者の著者である、と彼の多くのイメージ画像,印象, 表象;観念, 概念を通して、彼は国を欺きます。

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, ※●son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations

ISA.14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

ISA.14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.


Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

黙示録.12.9. この巨大な龍、すなわち、悪魔とか、サタンとか呼ばれ、全世界を惑わす年を経たへびは、地に投げ落され、その使たちも、もろともに投げ落された。

Just think all the peoples of the Earth united, thinking the same thing, on the same wavelength, and the same channel! Getting the world into one big “single thinking envelope” is exactly where Satan wants them to be--because he’s making them into robots, controlled and manipulated, so that they’ll fall down and worship the Beast (Antichrist!) That’s exactly what the Devil wants!

世界を、一つの大きな 「単一思考の封筒」にする事が悪魔が正確に彼らに望んでいる状態です。何故ならば彼は彼らをロボットに、制御セイギョおよび操作できるように作っているので、

Revelation 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon (Devil) which gave power unto the beast (Antichrist): and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?

黙示録.13.4.  また、龍がその権威を獣(反キリスト)に与えたので、人々は龍(悪魔)を拝み、さらに、その獣を拝んで言った、「だれが、この獣に匹敵し得ようか。だれが、これと戦うことができようか」。

But what happens if we are all required to have “chip implants or electronic identity tattoos” someday?

いつの日か、我々すべてに「(コンピュータ)チップを インプラント〔体の組織などに〕挿入する,埋め込む事、または電子IDの入れ墨」が要求されている場合はどうなるでしょうか。

What happens if an oppressive government uses this technology to watch, track, monitor and control all of us 24 hours a day with this technology?

抑圧的な政府が、(人の行動・計画)の痕跡を見て監視し、この技術で私達の全員を1日24時間 コントロールする為に、この技術を使用した場合はどうなりますか?

What happens if you are not able to get a job, have a bank account or buy anything without “proper identification”?


I think that you can see where I am going with this.


Technology is truly a double-edged sword. It can do great good, but it can also be used for great evil.


The Book of Revelation warns us that taking the Mark of the Beast in the right hand or forehead to buy & sell has spiritual ramifications.


Revelation 14:9-12

REV.14:9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

REV.14:10 The same shall dはrink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

REV.14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

REV.14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

黙示録 14:9-12

ほかの第三の御使が彼らに続いてきて、大声で言った、「おおよそ、獣とその像とを拝み、額や手に●刻印を受ける者は、 神の怒りの杯に混ぜものなしに盛られた、神の激しい怒りのぶどう酒を飲み、聖なる御使たちと小羊との前で、火と硫黄とで苦しめられる。 その苦しみの煙は世々限りなく立ちのぼり、そして、獣とその像とを拝む者、また、だれでもその名の●刻印を受けている者は、昼も夜も休みが得られない。 ここに、神の戒めを守り、イエスを信じる信仰を持ちつづける聖徒の忍耐がある」。

But the comforting thought is that although the Beast (Antichrist) will rant and rave against those who refuse to accept him and his 666 mark of the Beast financial System, his time is short and his doom is sealed. He is the ultimate loser. Jesus Christ and those who love and follow Him will emerge from the 3-1/2 years of the Great Tribulation as the glorious and eternal winners having being raptured after the Great Tribulation. (Matthew 24:29-31.)

しかし、慰められる思考[推理, 想像]期待,予想は、獣(反キリスト)が彼と獣の金融システムの彼の666刻印を受け入れる事を拒否する人達に対して、暴言,大声を張り上げ,わめきますが、自分の時間が短く、反キリストの運命が印を捺オされ,封印されて(定まって)いる事です。彼は究極の敗者です。


Are you getting ready for these endtime events?

あなたはこれらの終わりの時の(重要な)出来事, (注目すべき)(大)事件の準備をしていますか?



The rise and fall of(● New World Order, New World Government dictator 666Anti Christ)
