5@獣の像イメージと新技術Image of the Beast & New Technolog | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


Image of the Beast & New Technology

DARPA【略】Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (米国国防総省の)国防高等研究計画局の新しいロボットは人間にそっくりです

New DARPA Robot Looks Human


IBM unveils chips that mimic the human brain

In the 666 MARK of the Beast and New Technology Updates Article, I highlight some of the new technology that we read about in the news; that is preparing the way for the coming 666 mark of the Beast economic system. As described in the Book of Revelation. (Revelation 13:16-18)

獣(反キリスト新世界政府独裁者)と新技術の666 刻印のアップデート最新記事の中で、獣の経済システムの今後の666刻印への方法を準備しているニュースについて私達が読んだ新技術のいくつかを、私は強調し示します。黙示録で述べられているように。 (黙示録13:16-18)

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast (Antichrist), or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six:” 666

彼はまた、小さき者にも、大いなる者にも、富める者にも、貧しき者にも、自由人にも、奴隷にも、すべての人々に、その●右の手あるいは●額に刻印を押させ、 この刻印のない者はみな、物を買うことも売ることもできないようにした。この刻印は、その●獣(●アンチ・キリスト, 反キリスト)の名、または、その名の数字のことである。 ここに、知恵が必要である。思慮のある者は、獣の数字を解くがよい。その数字とは、人間をさすものである。そして、その数字は●六百六十六●666である。

Another aspect to the 666 Mark of the Beast is the introduction of the “Image of the Beast”.

獣の666刻印の別の形勢,状況,局面は「獣の像イメージ 」の紹介です。

2:(コンピュータの)画像, (鏡・テレビなどの)映像
3:〔…という〕イメージ, 印象, 表象;観念, 概念;〔心〕心象

But before getting into the image of the Beast & the new technology that is currently being worked on, I’d like to give a very brief overview on Bible Prophecy.


The last seven years begin when the Antichrist confirms the covenant. Daniel 9:27 says: He shall confirm the covenant with many for 7 years. This covenant is mentioned several other times in the Scriptures.


Because it is called a “holy covenant” in Daniel 11:28,30, it appears to be some sort of religious pact, at least in part ? quite possibly one that tackles the thorny issue of religious coexistence between Jews, Muslims, and Christians, and by which Jerusalem will be declared an international city with free and equal access guaranteed to people of all faiths.

それはダニエル11章28,30節で「●聖なる契約」と呼ばれているので、 少なくとも部分的には、宗教的な協定のいくつかのようなものに見えるし、恐らくは●ユダヤ人、●イスラム教徒と●キリスト教徒との間の宗教の共存についての厄介な問題に取り組む事と、そしてそれによって●エルサレムは、全ての宗教の人々に保障する自由、及び平等なアクセスを持つ●国際都市であると宣言されます。

It appears that this will also clear the way for the Jews to finally be able to rebuild their Third Temple on Jerusalem’s Mount Moriah and reinstitute animal sacrifices on its altar.


But in the “midst of the 7 years or three and a half years into the seven-year covenant period the Antichrist will break the covenant!


He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (7 years): and in the midst of the 7 years) he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation [offering] to cease, ※●and for the ※overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the ※consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. (Daniel 9:27)

 (ダニエル 9:27)

※consummation【名】 完成, (目的・願望などの)達成;〔法〕既遂. 極致, 完成された物[領域].

※overspread【動】…を一面に覆う, …の一面に広がる;[be overspread]〔…で〕一面に覆われる.

こうしてついにその定まった終りが、その荒す者の上に注がれるのです」。 (ダニエル 9:27)

Daniel 11:31 is a key scripture: And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.


It tells us that at this point, three and a half years after confirming the seven-year covenant, the Antichrist will forcibly enter the Jewish Temple (the “sanctuary of strength”), which would have to have been built by then, as it does not exist now. He will put an end to the daily sacrifice and the False Prophet, the Antichrist’s chief aide, will place in the Temple area something called the “abomination of desolation.” (Revelation 13:11-18)


Over 500 years after Daniel gave this prophecy, Jesus referred to it in His dissertation on the signs of His second coming and of the end of the world as we know it:


When you see the “abomination of desolation,” spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place [the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem] … then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. (Matthew 24:15,21).
「預言者ダニエルによって言われた荒らす憎むべき者が、聖なる場所に立つのを見たならば(読者よ、悟れ)、 …その時には、世の初めから現在に至るまで、かつてなく今後もないような大きな患難が起るからである。」
(マタイ福音書 24:15,21).

This time period is known as the 3-1/2 years of Great Tribulation. It says 42 months in Revelation 13:5 & 1260 days in Revelation 11:3 & 12:6, which is 3-1/2 years. The Bible uses the Ancient Lunar Calendar of 360 days in one year, whereas the present Solar Calendar is 365-1/4 days per year.

この期間は大患難の3年と1 / 2年(3年半)として知られています。
そして黙示録11:3と12:6では1260日、それは3年と1 / 2年(3年半)です。
現在の太陽暦は年間365と1 / 4日であるのに対し、聖書は、1年は360日の●古代太陰暦を使用しています。

Now going back to Revelation 13:14-15 “And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he (False Prophet) had power to do in the sight of the beast (Antichrist); saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast (Antichrist), which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

And he (False prophet) had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

「 さらに、※●彼(偽預言者)は先の獣(反キリスト)の前で行うのを許されたしるしで、地に住む人々を惑わし、かつ、つるぎの傷を受けてもなお生きている先の獣の像を造ることを、地に住む人々に命じた。 


Both the Prophet Daniel & Jesus referred to the image of the Beast as the “Abomination of Desolation” & in Revelation Chapter 13:14-15 it is described as “the image of the Beast” or the image of the Antichrist, as the first beast in Revelation 13:1-8, is referring to the Antichrist & this second beast in Revelation 13:11-15 is describing the false prophet. Revelation 19:20 also gives a description of the Antichrist & False Prophet


REVELATION 19:20 And the beast (Antichrist) was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

黙示録 19:20

So what is the Abomination of Desolation or the Image of the beast? There are various speculations on this topic, but when looking at Bible Prophecy, many times current events or the new technology that is being worked on can shed some light on how some Endtime events could possibly play out. Of course there’s still a lot of mystery to various aspects of Bible Prophecy, but in looking at the Image of the beast is there technology in the news that could possibly fulfill this prophecy or is at least is going in that direction?

だから、荒らす憎むべきもの や獣の●像は何ですか?そこにこの論題に関する様々な憶測があるが、聖書の預言を見た時に、何度も、現在の事象 、又は製作中の新技術は、いくつかの終わりの時の出来事、おそらく展開する可能性という事の次第[様子, ありさま]にいくつかの光を当てる事ができます。もちろん、まだ聖書の預言の様々な側面には謎が多いですが、獣のイメージ●像を見ている中で、おそらくこの預言を成就するか、または少なくともその方向に沿って起こっているニュースにおける技術はありますか?

And ●he (False prophet) had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” Revelation 13:15

 それから、●彼(偽預言者)は その獣の●像に息を吹き込んで、その獣の像が物を言うことさえできるようにし、また、その獣の像を拝まない者をみな殺させた。
黙示録 13:15

Notice ●it seems to be alive & can speak as well!


Here’s some of the technology that is being worked on.


IBM unveils chips that mimic the human brain

IBM has unveiled a new experimental computer chip that it says mimics the human brain in that it perceives acts and even thinks. It terms the machines built with these chips “cognitive computers”, claiming that they are able to learn through experience, find patterns, generate ideas and understand the outcomes. This is a giant step forward for artificial intelligence.


Could a chip that mimics the human brain fit into an Android? This type of technology reminds me of the TV series, “Star Trek the next generation”

人間の脳の模倣チップは人造人間. 人間の特徴をもったアンドロイドに適合できますか?●この種の技術は、テレビシリーズSF、「スター・トレック次世代 」の事を思い出します。

※●Data was an Android & looked & acted like a real person, but he wasn’t human! He had a computer in his head that acted like a brain, & he had many functions just like a human being. I always felt this was like a proto type of the coming image of the beast? It could walk, talk, & be programed to have all the knowledge of the world embedded in him. Plus the image of the beast could possibly continue to learn like Data did in the Star Trek series. Of course the Image of the Beast won’t look like Data, but maybe it was a prototype?

「スター・トレック次世代 」TVの登場人物の

※●Data is a self-aware, sapient, sentient, and anatomically fully functional android who serves as the second officer and chief operations officer aboard the Federation starships USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E. His positronic brain allows him impressive computational capabilities. Data experienced ongoing difficulties during the early years of his life with understanding various aspects of human behavior and was unable to feel emotion or understand certain human idiosyncrasies, inspiring him to strive for his own humanity.

※●Dataデータは、自己意識、賢い, 知恵のある、知覚力、解剖学的に完全に機能したアンドロイドであり、連邦宇宙艦USSエンタープライズD 及びUSSエンタープライズEに乗った二等航海士で、最高執行責任者として機能している。●彼の陽電子頭脳は彼に印象的な計算能力を可能にし、Dataデータは彼の人生の早い時期に継続的な困難を経験して人間の行動の様々な側面を理解しました。●しかし、感情を感じたり、特定の人間の特質を理解したり、彼自身の人間性の為に努力するよう彼自身を鼓舞したりする事ができませんでした。

Here’s another technology they’re currently working on!

これは、現在 開発中の別の技術です!

Artificial Intelligence, Humanoid Robots:


Lab-made skin to create robotic clones of man The Zurich researchers have invented a computational method for automatically designing synthetic skin to match real individuals. “With our method, we can simply create a robotic clone of a real person,” researcher at Disney Research, Zurich Dr Bernd Bickel said.


New DARPA Robot Looks Human

新しい DARPA【略】Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (米国国防総省の)国防高等研究計画局のロボットは人間に見えます

The new incarnation of Boston Dynamics’ PETMAN robot, being developed for DARPA with Department of Defense funding, not only looks human but it also sweats to regulate body temperature, as the robot’s capabilities increase, so does its resemblance to a human being.


Will such a humanoid robot play a part in fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation 13:14-15?


Born to be ※Viral: Robot or human?

※Viral  /vrl/【形】ウイルスの;ウイルスによって起こる.


Tired of going to work? Then why not send a robot that looks just like you instead? Are androids designed to look exactly like their Masters?

アンドロイドは彼らのマスターズ,元の, 原型とまったく同じように見えるように設計されていますか?

Top ※Transhumanism CEO Says AI Singularity Will Go Very Badly For Humans


トランスヒューマニズム最高経営責任者(CEO)のトップは、AI 人工知能の特異点は、人間の為には非常にひどくなるであろうと言います

Promises of ‘immortality’ and a disease-free life have led many individuals to long for the hope of artificial intelligence and what is known as Singularity. It is essentially a merging of man and machine, the development of a ‘new species’ - a ‘borg’ of sorts.

「不死」と無病の生命の約束は、人工知能の希望と、奇妙,異常,非凡なものとして知られている事は長きに渡って多くの人々をリード先導してきました。一種の「※ボーグ」 それは本質的に人間と機械の融合、「新種」の開発です。


And of course the warning is that you have to worship this image of the beast or be killed. Revelation 13:15


It reminds me of the Bible story in Daniel Chapter 3 where the King of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar made a Golden Image of a man & that everybody needed to bow down to it and worship it & if they didn’t they’d be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, believed in the Living God & refused to bow down to this image & as a result were cast into the burning furnace, but even the fiery flames couldn’t touch them.


DANIEL 3:25 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.

ダニエル 3.25.

※なわめ【縄目】 罪人として捕らえられて縄で縛られること。


❤ARE YOU READY FOR THESE GREAT & FINAL EVENTS OF THE END? You can get ready now by receiving Jesus into your heart & study what the Bible says about these final events that will come upon the world!

❤あなたは、終わりの時のこれらの偉大で、そして最終のイベント(重要な)出来事, (注目すべき)(大)事件の準備ができていますか?あなたはあなたの心に、イエスを受け入れる事で、今、準備と、聖書が世界に来るべきこれらの最後のイベントについて言うことを学ぶ事ができます!
