★第10章 情報過多Information Overload未来は予告されていたThe | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


★第10章 情報過多
Information Overload

The Future Foretold

Information Overload

A sign of the end

「 知識が増すでしょう」
ダニエル 12:4 ※2,500年前の聖書の預言

“Knowledge shall increase”
Daniel 12:4 ※Bible prophecy of 2,500 years ago

IT用語「情報過多」“information overload”は近年に新語として造り出された正当な理由です。

IT IS WITH GOOD CAUSE that the term “information overload” was coined in recent years. If the amount of information that is available is an indication of the knowledge available, knowledge has increased within our generation almost beyond imagination! Here are just a few mind-boggling facts on this:

The total amount of the world’s newly generated digital information is expected to have exploded by 60%?to 8 exabytes [in 2005] from 5 exabytes in 2003, according to figures and extrapolations developed by the University of California at Berkeley(.at the time! )That means that [in one year] the world will generate 57,000 times the total of all information in the Library of Congress.

世界の新しく生み出されたデジタル情報の総量は、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校によって開発された数字と〔統計〕外挿法・推定によると、2003年には※●5エクサバイトから[2005年] の※8エクサバイトへ 60%爆発的に増加している事が期待されます。(その時点で!)

※●エクサバイト (exabyte) はデータの量やコンピュータの記憶装置の大きさを表す単位。
1,000,000,000,000,000,000バイト = 1,000の乗6 = 10の18乗 = 100京バイトの事。

An exabyte is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes, or 1 billion billion. All human spoken words in history are calculated to be 5 exabytes. Information in magnetic media (such as business digital information) account for more than 90% of this staggering total. U.C. Berkeley estimates that global information increases about 30% per year. ※72

歴史上の中で、すべての人間の話し言葉の数は5エクサバイトになるように計算されます。 (このようなビジネスのデジタル情報など)磁気媒体の情報は、この驚異的な合計の90%以上を占めています。 
U.C.【略】University of California.カリフォルニア大学バークレー校はグローバルな情報は年間に約30%増加してると推定しています。

Online information doubles every 6 months


Corporate information doubles every 18 months


Scientific information doubles every 5 years


Biological information doubles every 5 years


Useful genetic information doubles every 18?24 months


The sum total of human knowledge doubles every 2?3 years (and is soon expected to double every year)


Printed knowledge doubles every 8 years


Technical knowledge doubles every 3 years


Medical knowledge doubles every 7 years ※73


Each year around a million books are printed (that’s titles, not copies), 25,276 newspapers are published (that is separate newspaper titles), 40,000 scholarly journals, 80,000 mass-market periodicals, 40,000 newsletters. ※74

約100万冊が毎年印刷されている(つまり、コピーではなくタイトル題名です)、25,276種類の新聞が出版されてます(つまり、別々の新聞のタイトルです)、40,000種類の学術雑誌、80,000種類の 大衆向けの定期刊行物、40,000種類の(関係者へ定期的に発行する)会報, 官報などです。

Estimates based on the Netcraft Web server survey for January 2008 show there are over 155.5 million distinct websites, an increase of over 33 million from six months before.※75



As far back as 1995, Professor Peter Cochrane of the British Telecom Laboratories’ Advanced Application Division said, “There are now wristwatches that wield more computing ability than some 1970s mainframes. Ordinary cars today have more ‘intelligence’ than the original lunar lander [Apollo Lunar Module??].” ※76 
In the decade since this statement, computer sciences and related disciplines have advanced exponentially.


Seventy percent of all information in our global society has been created since the start of the Internet and is currently doubling every three years. This means we will have 16 times more information by 2015 than we had in 2003. ※77


Although we have made tremendous strides scientifically and technologically, are we more fulfilled or happier than our predecessors? Our knowledge has radically increased, but much of our scientific genius has been squandered in the development of armaments and weapons of mass destruction. 
Hi-tech gadgets and luxuries are given priority, while many of our fellow humans are hungry and destitute.


Time magazine examined this in their 1995 cover story, “The Evolution of Despair”:


VCRs and microwave ovens have their virtues, but in the everyday course of our highly efficient lives, there are times when something seems deeply amiss. ... Whatever the source of stress, we at times get the feeling that modern life isn’t what we were designed for.

ビデオデッキや電子レンジは、それらの長所を持っていますが、私達の非常に効率的な生活の日常の過程で、何かが深く間違っているようです。 ...なんであれストレスの原因、時間に縛られた私達の現代の生活は、私達が設計したものではない事を感じ得ます。

Rates of depression have been doubling in some industrial countries roughly every 10 years. Fifteen percent of Americans have had a clinical anxiety disorder.※78


The sentiments expressed then are even more appropriate today and the statistics even more gloomy. In 2002 nearly 25 million Americans were prescribed and took antidepressants. ※79 
In 2003, 213 million prescriptions for antidepressants were written by U.S. doctors,※80 
resulting in $13 billion in sales. Eli Lilly reports that its breakthrough drug Prozac, the first in a new class of antidepressants, has been consumed by more than 35 million people since it was introduced to the U.S. market in 1988.※81 
In the United States, the number of deaths from suicide over the past 20 years exceeded the number of deaths from AIDS. ※82

その後、感情の表現は、今日、より適切であり、統計はさらに暗いです。 2002年には約25万人のアメリカ人は抗うつ薬を処方されました。

Depression is now the fourth-leading cause of the global disease burden and the leading cause of disability worldwide. Depression seriously reduces the quality of life for individuals and their families and often worsens the outcome of other physical health problems. Depression is the most important risk factor for suicide [which claims around a million lives annually, with another 10?20 million attempting suicide each year], and is among the top three causes of death in young people ages 15 to 35. ※83


What good is a head full of knowledge if our hearts are empty and we lack peace of mind and purpose in life?


The 178-nation “UnHappy Planet Index” published by the New Economics Foundation, lists the south Pacific island of Vanuatu as the happiest nation on the planet. Meanwhile, Western nations with their high level of prosperity and abundance are way down the list. The UK and the U.S. fill 108th and 150th places respectively. ※84

178ヶ国の新経済財団の発行の「不幸フシアワせの惑星の 索引,見出し」は、地球上で最も幸せな国としてバヌアツの南太平洋の島を示しています。


※72. Robert Malone, “Information Inundation,” Forbes, 8 Nov 2005, http://www.forbes.com/2005/11/08/data-functions-coping-cx_rm_1107data.html.

※72。 Robert Malone、 "情報浸水"、Forbes、2005年11月8日、http://www.forbes.com/2005/11/08/data-functions-coping-cx_rm_1107data.html

※73. H.K. Kaul, “Information Resource Sharing Through ILL [Inter Library Loan]?The Issues,” (2004).

H. Kaul、「ILLによる情報資源共有(図書館間貸出) - 課題」(2004年)。

※74. UNESCO 1996, ISSN 2001, Ulrich’s 2000, Oxbridge Directory 1997.

※75. “February 2008 Web Server Survey,” Netcraft, 2008, http://news.netcraft.com/archives/web_server_survey.html.

※75。 "2008年2月のWebサーバー調査"、Netcraft、2008、http://news.netcraft.com/archives/web_server_survey.html

※76. “Future Computers Will Talk to Owners?Study,” Reuters, 4 Jun 1995.

※76。 1995年6月4日、ロイターは、「将来のコンピュータは所有者と話し合うだろう」と語った。

※77. “Strategic Survey on the Future of Space Education in Preparation for the March 2003 Workshop on the Future of Space Education, Washington, D.C.”

※77。 「2003年3月の宇宙教育未来ワークショップの準備における宇宙教育の未来に関する戦略的調査、ワシントンD.C.」

※78. Robert Wright, “The Evolution of Despair,” Time, 28 Aug 1995.


※79. Marie N Stagnitti, “Trends in Antidepressant Use by the U.S. Civilian Non-institutionalized Population, 1997 and 2002,” Medical Expenditure Panel Survey.

※79。 Marie N Stagnitti、 "米国市民非施設化人口による抗うつ薬使用動向、1997年と2002年、"医療費パネル調査。

※80. Anahad O’Connor, “Has the Romance Gone? Was It the Drug?” New York Times, 4 May 2004.

※80。 Anahad O'Connor、 "ロマンスは消えましたか?それは薬でしたか?」ニューヨークタイムズ、2004年5月4日。

※81. Adrienne Sander and Victoria Colliver, “Antidepressants Hazardous to Health Care Coverage,” San Francisco Chronicle, 23 Feb 2004.

※81。 Adrienne Sander氏とVictoria Colliver氏、2004年2月23日のSan Francisco Chronicleに掲載されています。

※82. Karl E. Miller, “Suicide rates and use of antidepressants,” American Family Physician, 1 Nov 2005.

※82。 Karl E. Miller、 "自殺率と抗うつ薬の使用"、American Family Physician、2005年11月1日。

※83. Heidi Worley, “Depression a Leading Contributor to Global Burden of Disease,” Population Resource Bureau, Jun 2006, http://www.prb.org/Articles/2006/DepressionaLeadingContributortoGlobalBurdenofDisease.aspx.

※83。 Heidi Worley、「世界的な病気の負担への主要な貢献者」、人口資源局、2006年6月、http://www.prb.org/Articles/2006/DepressionaLeadingContributortoGlobalBurdenofDisease.aspx。

※84. The Unhappy Planet Index (London, U.K.: New Economics Foundation, 2008,) 57.

