★Chapter Six第6章 私達の暴力的な世界Our Violent Worldイエス | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


★Chapter Six第6章 私達の暴力的な世界
Our Violent World

「 人の子(●イエス・キリスト)の現れるのも、ちょうどノアの時のようであろう。」(マタイ 24:37).

ANOTHER CONDITION that Jesus indicated would be prevalent immediately prior to His return would be pervasive violence: “As the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man(●Jesus・Christ) be” (Matthew 24:37).

「ノアの時代」には物事はどうだったのでしょうか? 創世記の書が教えてくれます。
「 時に世は神の前に乱れて、暴虐が地に満ちた。」
(創世記 6:11). 

How were things in “the days of Noah?” The book of Genesis tells us “the earth was corrupt before God, and was filled with violence” (Genesis 6:11). We are all painfully aware that today’s headlines are full of tragic stories of violence.

Political violence is the term used to describe the violence perpetrated by governments on their own or conquered people, or violence committed by political and ideological groups. In the 20th century it is estimated that around 110 million people died as a result of wars. However, this pales in comparison to the 170 million estimated to have been killed in political violence during the same period [in fact, just from 1900?1987].※43 
170 million deaths translates to around 4,600 people (close to twice the amount killed at the World Trade Center towers during the 9/11 attack. ※44)
 being killed every day for 100 years.

しかし、これは[ 実際には、ちょうど1900年から1987年 ]の同じ期間に政治的暴力で殺された推定●1億7000万人に比べて見劣りします。

43. R. J. Rummel, Death by Government, (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1994.)

43.R.J.Rummel、政府による死、(New Brunswick、N.J。(学会・会議などの)紀要, 会報, 議事録.出版社[業者], 発行者[所](新聞の)経営者

1億7000万人の死亡数は(9・11の攻撃中に世界貿易センタービルで殺された数の2倍に近い )4,600人に変換された人数が100年間、毎日殺された事になります。※44を参照

44. “Trade center death toll revised down by 22,” CNN, 7 Sep 2002.


Aside from political violence, violence in all its forms surrounds us. One country that has statistics readily available on this is the United States. In the U.S., more people died from gun-related killings in the 19 years spanning 1979?1997 (651,697) than U.S. servicemen and women that died in combat in war from the Revolutionary War (1775?1783) through to the end of the 20th century (650,858). ※45


45. The 1994 World Almanac’s table for casualties in principal wars of the U.S. The source is the Department of Defense and the United States Statistical Abstract. The National Center for Health Statistics has an annual count for gun deaths for the years 1979?1997.


Violence is a universal scourge that tears at the fabric of communities and threatens the life, health and happiness of us all. Each year, more than 1.6 million people worldwide lose their lives to violence. For everyone who dies as a result of violence, many more are injured and suffer from a range of physical, sexual, reproductive and mental health problems. Violence is among the leading causes of death for people aged 15?44 years worldwide, accounting for about 14% of deaths among males and 7% of deaths among females. ※46


That’s Entertainment?

While juvenile violent crime is down from the historic highs of the early to mid-1990s, we are all still aware of the violent environment that many of the youth of the world live in. School shootings at places like Jokela, Finland; Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia; Dawson College, Montreal, Canada; Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado; West Paducah, Kentucky; Jonesboro, Arkansas; Springfield, Oregon; and Erfurt, Germany, are still vivid memories to many.

ドーソン大学、モントリオール カナダ。

Why this unprecedented violence among today’s youth? Behavioral scientists have concluded that one of the main culprits is so-called entertainment, particularly the images brought into everyone’s home, courtesy of television, movies, and the computer gaming industry. In times past, you had to be on the scene where the violence was perpetrated in order to personally witness it. Not now! By the time the average US schoolchild leaves elementary school, he or she will have witnessed more than 8000 murders and 100,000 other acts of violence on television. If the child also has access to violent computer games or films, or cable TV, these figures will be far, far higher.※47


The Virginia Tech, Montreal, Erfurt, and Columbine killers were avid fans of violent computer games. “Software for a massacre,” ran the headline in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on the Erfurt massacre. “The killer was trained by a computer game.” Though media violence is not the only, or even necessarily prime, motivator in the school killings, nevertheless their high level of exposure to violence desensitizes children and makes them comfortable with such behavior.


The link between violence on film and violence in our streets and homes is strong. United Press International reports on a survey conducted by the 40,000-member Professional Association of Teachers in Britain, which concluded that:


“The impact of violent material is far more widespread than was previously thought,” said Jackie Miller, the association’s deputy secretary general. The survey found that 77 percent of secondary school teachers thought children were being “desensitized to violence,” and choosing to glorify and mimic violent activity in the playground. ※48

「暴力的な影響力の強いデータの影響は、以前考えられていたよりも遥ハルかに広く普及している 」と、協会の副事務局長のジャッキーミラーは述べています。

Dr. Leonard D. Efron, Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois at Chicago, studied the habits of more than 400 viewers for 22 years. He observes: “There can no longer be any doubt that heavy exposure to televised violence is one of the causes of aggressive behavior, crime, and violence in society.” Arnold Kahn of the American Psychological Association adds, “The debate over the effects of violence on television is like the debate over cigarette smoking and cancer.”※49

彼は観察して「もはやテレビ放映の暴力の酷い顕示, (人前に)姿を見せる事, (傷・体などの)露出;(マスコミなどに)取り上げられる事が、社会の中で積極的な行動、犯罪の原因の一つであり、暴力である事は何の疑いもありません。」と述べました。
アメリカ心理学会のアーノルド カーンは 「テレビの暴力の影響をめぐる議論は、喫煙と癌に関する議論のようなものです。」と追加しました。※49を参照

Gayle Hanson, in the article “The Violent World of Videogames,” had the following to say:

ゲイル・ハンソンは、資料の「ビデオゲームの暴力的な世界 」で、次のように言っていました。

Among those whose voices have risen to damn the computer-game industry for recklessness is Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, a former professor of psychology at the U.S. Military Academy, who taught a course that analyzed the psychology of killing. He says of some of the games, “They are murder simulators which over time teach a person how to look another person in the eyes and snuff their life out.”

無謀なコンピュータゲーム業界は忌々イマイマしく、その声を上げている者の中の、殺害の心理分析コースを教えている米国陸軍士官学校で、心理学の元教授、中佐のデーブグロスマンはゲームのいくつかについて述べています。「 時間の経過と共に、どのように命を消すか、別の人を探すべきかを人に教える、殺人シミュレータである 」と。

To understand the virus of violence that seems epidemic to many, Grossman points to statistics showing an increase in assault in many countries. According to statistics provided by INTERPOL, from 1977 to 1993, the assault rate in Australia and New Zealand increased by almost 400 percent. The assault rate tripled in Sweden and doubled in Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Hungary, Holland, and Scotland. In the United States the rate of aggravated assault rose from about 60 per 100,000 in 1957 to more than 440 per 100,000 by the middle of [the ’90s, a 700 per increase].

米国では暴行の加重速度は1957年には約10万人当たり60人から、平均的に10万人当たり440人以上に、[ 90年代、10万人当たり700人に増加 ]しました。

“Though we should never downplay child abuse, poverty or racism,” Grossman says, “there is only one new variable present in each of these countries, bearing the exact same fruit: media violence presented as entertainment for children.”※50

「私達は児童虐待、貧困や人種差別を軽視する事はありません 。」 グロスマンは言う「一つだけ、新しい変わりやすい、これらの国のそれぞれに存在し、正確に同じ実を結ぶ事があるメディアの暴力は、子供の為の娯楽として提示されました。」※50を参照

In his book, High Tech / High Touch: Technology and Our Search for Meaning, John Naisbitt, the acclaimed social forecaster and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Megatrends 2000, plaintively states the following:

彼の本で、ハイテク  ハイタッチ:技術と意味の私達の検索、ジョン・ネスビッツ、#1ニューヨークタイムズのベストセラーのメガトレンド2000の、絶賛してる社会の予報 の著者は、悲しげに次のように述べています:

Many of the most popular games are relentlessly violent, and the same video games that are entertaining our children are being used to train our military. Living in the Technologically Intoxicated Zone, we deny that the culture of violence delivered through our television, film, Internet, and video game screens is real. Yet we are perplexed by the violence committed by our young, as epitomized by the Littleton school massacre in Colorado. If we begin to understand that what is on our screens is real, our tolerance for media violence will change forever. And we will no longer send our children into an electronic war zone daily and expect them to remain unaffected and unscarred. ※51

技術的に興奮し, 有頂天になり, うっとりしたゾーンでの生活、私達はテレビ、映画、インターネット、ビデオゲーム画面を配信してる暴力の文化が本物である事を否定しています。


46. E.G. Krug et al., “World report on violence and health,” (Geneva: World Health Organization, 2002.)

46. E.G.クルッグ(Krug)ら、「世界の暴力と健康に関する報告」(ジュネーブ:世界保健機関、2002年)

47. “Editorial: In denial about on-screen violence,” New Scientist, 21 April 2007.

47.「編集:スクリーン上の暴力について否定している」、New Scientist、2007年4月21日。

48. Paul Gould. “UK Teachers Say Videos and Violence Linked,” UPI, 18 Apr 1994.

48.ポール・グールド。 「英国の教師はビデオと暴力がつながったと言います」UPI、1994年4月18日。

49. Don Feder, A Jewish Conservative Looks at Pagan America, (Lafayette, LA.: Huntington House Publishers, 1993.)

49.ドン・フェデール、ユダヤ教の保守主義者は異教徒のアメリカを見る(ラファイエット、LA:Huntington House Publishers、1993)。

50. Gayle M.B. Hanson, “The Violent World of Video Games.” Insight on the News, 28 Jun 1999.

50. Gayle M.B.ハンソン「ビデオゲームの暴力の世界」。ニュースの洞察、1999年6月28日。

51. John Naisbitt, Nana Naisbitt, and Douglas Philips, High Tech/High Touch: Technology and Our Search for Meaning (London, U.K.: Nicholas Brearly, 2001.)

51. John Naisbitt、Nana Naisbitt、Douglas Philips、High Tech / High Touch:テクノロジーと私達の意味の探求(ロンドン、英国:Nicholas Brearly、2001)





「イエスがメシヤ (救い主) であることの


イエスがベツレヘムで生まれる何百年、あるいは何千年も前に、旧約聖書の預言者達は、イエスの来臨を予言していましたが、彼らの予言は「メシヤ、すな わち救い主が来られるでしょう。」などといった、大ざっぱなものではありませんでした。




 ❤❤「神はそのひとり子(イエス・キリスト)を賜タマワった(プレゼントした)ほどに、この世(あなた)を愛して下さった。 それは御子ミコ(イエス・キリスト)を信じる者がひとりも滅びないで、永遠の命を得るためである。」--ヨハネ3:16--ということを、あなたが信じるためなのです! あなたは信じますか?

神はあなたを愛しておられ、イエスは、あなたの心の扉の外に立って、あなたがイエスのために、その扉を開けるのを待っています。「見よ、 わたしは戸の外に立ってたたいている。 誰でもわたしの声を聞いて戸を開けるなら、わたしはその中に入って彼と食を共にし、彼もわたしと食を共にするであろう。」--黙示録3:20。

あなたは心の中にイエスを受け入れたいですか? もしそうなら、次にあげる簡単な祈りを、心から祈って下さい。
❤❤❤「イエス様、 私のために死んで下さったことを感謝します。私の心に入って、私をすべての問題や悩みから助け出して下さい。そして、私が、あなたの御言葉を読み、あなたの愛のことを他の人に告げることによって、あなたと他の人たちのために生きるのを、どうか助けて下さい! イエスの御名で祈ります。アーメン。」
