▲ダニエル9章 前半70週Seventy Weeksダニエル書において、西暦30年における | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ



▲ダニエル9章 前半70週
Seventy Weeks

In the book of Daniel, Christ's passion in the Christian era30 (crucifixion) was the prophecy of an astounding age  that  the exact number of years foretold over 500 years ago!

Daniel 9
Chapter Nine
The first  half

Read Scripture


The Book of Daniel gets more and more fascinating as it progresses, and you will read in this chapter how Daniel is told of some very specific timing with regard to the sacrificial death of the Messiah and the length of the still to come reign of the Antichrist.

But first we are told that Daniel was studying the writings of his contemporary, Jeremiah, regarding the fate of the Jewish people and the duration of their captivity by the Babylonians. This is quite interesting in that this shows that Daniel was acquainted with Jeremiah and understood that he was a prophet, recognition that Jeremiah sadly lacked from the majority of Jews who remained in Judah at the time.


During this tumultuous time in Judah’s history, the Lord had given that nation three major prophets???Daniel, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah.

 ユダヤの歴史の中で、この激動の時代の間に、主はその国にダニエル、エゼキエル、エレミヤ の三大預言者を与えていました。

Daniel, as we know, was taken away captive when Nebuchadnezzar besieged and conquered Jerusalem the first time in 605 BC.


Ezekiel was taken amongst those that Nebuchadnezzar deported to Babylonia (Ezekiel 1:1) from Jerusalem after he besieged and took the city a second time in 597 BC. The Jews had rebelled against the yoke of Babylon, but Nebuchadnezzar made short work of that rebellion. Jehoiachin had inherited the throne after his father Jehoiakim died, but had only reigned for a few short months before this defeat. Nebuchadnezzar took Jehoiachin, his family and attendants, and 10,000 others back with him to Babylonia. And Nebuchadnezzar appointed Zedekiah, the last of Josiah’s sons, as king in his nephew’s stead (2Kings 24:10?17).

ネブカデネザルは、バビロニアに、エホヤキンの家族とお供の, 付き添い10,000人とエホヤキンを連れ帰りました。そしてネブカデネザルは、彼の甥の代わりにヨシアの最後の息子のゼデキヤを王として任命しました。

Jeremiah during all this remained in Judah and prophesied from the time of Josiah, all the way through the reigns of his sons and grandson, and the total destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 587/586 BC. ●Later, after the Babylonian governor was assassinated, Jeremiah accompanied the Jews who had remained in Judah into their self-exile in Egypt.

全てこの中で、預言者エレミヤはユダに残り、全ての期間でヨシアの息子や孫の治世を通じて、ヨシアの時からの紀元前586年から587 年の、ネブカデネザルのエルサレムの完全破壊までを預言しました。

It is interesting to note that the Lord mentions Daniel three times in Ezekiel’s prophecies (Ezekiel 14:14,20; 28:3). It seems that Daniel’s probity and wisdom must have been proverbial amongst the Jews of the exile. And Daniel in this chapter is reading Jeremiah.

(●エゼキエル14章14,20節 .28章3節)



There are two places in Jeremiah’s writings where the Lord said that the Jews would go into captivity in Babylon for 70 years:


The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of Judah (which was the first year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon), which Jeremiah the prophet spoke to all the people of Judah and to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, saying: ... And this whole land shall be a desolation and an astonishment, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.

Jeremiah 25:1-2,11

ユダの王ヨシヤの子エホヤキムの四年(バビロンの王ネブカデレザルの元年)にユダのすべての民についての言葉がエレミヤに臨んだ。 預言者エレミヤはこの言葉をユダのすべての民とエルサレムに住むすべての人に告げて言った、… 「この地はみな滅ぼされて荒れ地となる。そしてその国々は七十年の間バビロンの王に仕える。」
エレミヤ 25章1-2節,11節

For thus says the Lord: After seventy years are completed at Babylon, I will visit you and perform My good word toward you, and cause you to return to this place.

Jeremiah 29:10


エレミヤ 29章10節

This is a very specific and precise prophecy that was fulfilled in two very significant ways: Firstly, the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem three times. Fed up with the continuing rebellions, Nebuchadnezzar desolated the city and the temple in 587/586 BC. Secondly, the Jews were indeed in exile in and around Babylon, serving the kings of that land for 70 years. Let’s examine the dates:


Nebuchadnezzar first took captives away from Jerusalem in 605 BC, and it seems this was regarded as the start of the 70 years. Cyrus gave permission for the exiles to return in 538 BC, but that return didn’t occur till 536 BC. 
In that year, 42,360 Jews returned under Sheshbazzar (Ezra 1:7-10; 2:64)???to whom Cyrus had given the temple paraphernalia taken by Nebuchadnezzar and under Jeshua the priest and Zerubbabel. Seventy prophetic years (see explanation of prophetic years later in this chapter) is equal to 69 solar or calendar years. ●605 BC to 536 BC is 69 years.

ゼルバベルと司祭イエシュアの下で クロス(キュロス)はネブカデネザルによって奪われた神殿の道具類一式と、その年には、42,360人のユダヤ人はSheshbazzarセシバザルの監督下で(エルサレムに)戻りました。
 (エズラ記 1章7-10節; 2章64節)
70年の預言(この章の後半の預言の年の説明を参照して下さい ※太陰月を30日と数えた)
これは69年の太陽暦やカレンダー年数に等しいです。 紀元前605年から536年は69年間です。

Daniel, upon reading these scriptures, prays one of the most heartfelt prayers found in the Bible, confessing, and asking the Lord to forgive, both his and his people’s iniquities. And then once again the archangel Gabriel appears to Daniel to give him another revelation. This revelation also concerns the number 70, but this time it has to do with a period of “seventy weeks.”


The revelation predicted among other things the year that Jesus the Messiah would be crucified. Yet it was worded in such a way as to make its fulfillment even more amazing than just stating a given date. It hinged its fulfillment on events, which at the time of Daniel receiving this prophecy (circa 538 BC), had yet to occur.


The word “week” is translated from the Hebrew word transliterated as shabua. Aside from having the meaning of a seven-day week, it also has the literal meanings of “seven” and “unit of seven.”

単語「週」は shabua●シャブアとして音訳するヘブライ語から翻訳されます。

In Genesis there is found a passage that also uses this word shabua, and it is concerning the patriarch Jacob. He had been working seven years for his uncle, Laban, with the intent of earning the right to marry Laban’s younger daughter Rachel. Laban tricked Jacob by substituting his older daughter Leah in the marriage bed on the night of the wedding. Jacob was incensed, but Laban insisted that it was only proper that the older daughter should marry first, but he agreed that if Jacob fulfilled Rachel’s 
“week, we will give you this one also for the service which you will serve with me still another seven years” (Genesis 29:27).

 (創世記 29章27節).


Here shabua means a period of seven years, and it can be assumed then that “weeks” in the prophecy of Daniel 9 can also be understood to mean “periods of seven years.”


When we add the 7 weeks and the 62 weeks mentioned in Daniel 9:25, we come up with a total of 69 weeks. Then if we multiply 69 times 7, we arrive at a figure of 483 years. God was telling Daniel that 483 years would pass between the time that the command was given to return and rebuild Jerusalem and the death of the Messiah, Jesus.

「それゆえ、エルサレムを建て直せという命令が出てから、メシヤ(キリスト救世主)なるひとりの君が来るまで、七週と六十二週あることを知り、かつ悟りなさい… その六十二週の後にメシヤ(キリスト救世主)は断たれ(殺され)るでしょう。」

Keeping this in mind, we must now consider what is regarded as a “year” in ancient terms. Sir Isaac Newton (1642?1727) wrote: “All nations, before the just length of the solar year was known, reckoned months by the course of the moon, and years by the return of winter and summer, spring and autumn; and in making calendars for their festivals, they reckoned thirty days to a lunar month, and twelve lunar months to a year, taking the nearest round numbers, whence came the division of the ecliptic [path of the sun’s annual rotation] into 360 degrees”
(The Coming Prince (1894) by Robert Anderson, page 68). In other words, the year of the ancients consisted of ※●360 days.


A biblical confirmation of the length of what Bible scholars and commentators sometimes call a “prophetic year” is found in Genesis 7:11,24, and 8:3-4. The time that the biblical deluge in the time of Noah began until the ark came to rest on the top of Mount Ararat is given as 150 days. This period is dated as beginning on the 17th day of the second month of the year and lasting till the 17th day of the 7th month, a period of exactly 5 months. When 150 is divided by 5, we come up with a month being a period of 30 days. If we extrapolate that, then 12 months of 30 days would equal 360 days.

聖書学者やコメンテーターが、時には「預言の年」と呼ぶものの長さの聖書の確認は、創世記 7章11,24節, および 8章3-4節.に発見されている。
聖書のノアの時の大洪水が始まり、箱舟がアララト山の上に静止するようになった時までの期間は、150日として与えられています。この期間の日付はその年の第二の月の17日目に開始し、7月の17日目、正確に5ヶ月の期間まで持続するようになっている。 150は5で割ると、私達は、ひと月が30日の期間である事を思い付きます。私達が既知のデータから推測して計算した場合、30日の12ヶ月は360日と等しくなります。

In Revelation 11:2?3, 42 months is equated to 1,260 days. Forty-two months is also equal to three and a half years. If we take the 1,260 days and divide it by 3?, we end up with 360 days in a year.


Next let us look at another biblical hero, Nehemiah. He was the Jewish cupbearer to the Persian king Artaxerxes Longimanus, the fifth king of the Persian Empire. According to Nehemiah’s account in chapter two of his book, it was in the king’s 20th year on the throne that Nehemiah was granted permission to supervise the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem. Dating this event accurately to our present calendar can be done because the Persian Empire kept precise astronomical records.


The 20th year of King Artaxerxes???and thus the year this command was given to restore and build Jerusalem???is fixed with a fair amount of certainty at 445 BC. Several other decrees issued by Artaxerxes and his predecessors had allowed the Jews to return to their homeland and rebuild their temple, but this is the one that gave them permission to rebuild the city walls. As you can read in the book of Nehemiah, this feat was completed???in spite of constant and “troublesome” interference from neighboring kingdoms???in just 52 days (Nehemiah 6:15).

※●1:アルタシャスタ王の第20年、したがって、この命令はエルサレムを復元し、構築する為に与えられた年は 紀元前445年の確実性が、かなりの確率で確定されています。
アルタシャスタと彼の前任者によって発令されたいくつかの他の政令は、ユダヤ人が故国に戻り、彼らの神殿を再建する為に許可されていたが、これは彼らに城壁を再建する許可を与えたものです。あなたはネヘミヤの書で読む事ができるように、近隣王国からの「面倒」や干渉にもかかわらず、ちょうど52日間でこの偉業を完成しました 。

Now it is time to do some math. We need to convert 483 prophetic years into solar years. A solar year consists of about 365? days.


(※●483 x 360) ÷ 365 = 476 solar years

(※●太陰月483 X 360)÷365= 476の太陽暦の年数です。

If we now add 476 years to 445 BC, we arrive at the year 31 AD . However, since the first day of 31 AD would be the end of the 476 years, to fit in with the prophecy Jesus’ death would have had to happen somewhere within the year 30 AD . Most sources state that Jesus was crucified around 30 AD .

※●1:アルタシャスタ王の第20年 - したがって、この命令はエルサレムを復元し、構築する為に与えられた年は -  ※●紀元前445年での確実性がかなりの確率で確定されています。


(※●太陰月483 X 360)÷365= 476の太陽暦の年数から

私達は今、※●紀元前445年に476年を合計した場合、我々は※●AD(西暦)31年 の〈結論〉に到達します。しかし、西暦31年 の最初の日以来、イエスの死は西暦30年の内のどこかで起こる事があっただろうとする事が、預言の条件にぴったりと適合する476年の終わりになります。

※●*AD., ≪米≫A.D., ≪英≫AD/d/【略】【ラテン】Anno Domini(=in the year of Our Lord) キリスト紀元[西暦]年.

In summary, we know that the “going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem ... and the wall” was in 445 BC. Daniel predicted that after 69 weeks the “Messiah shall be cut off.” Those 69 weeks translate into 476 years of our solar calendar, which, when added to 445 BC, results in the year 30 AD , the year of Christ’s crucifixion. That exact year being predicted over 500 years previously in the Book of Daniel is a remarkable date to arrive at!

要約すると、私達は "エルサレムと壁を復元し構築する為に示された命令」が※●紀元前445年にあった事を知っています。●ダニエルは、69 週間(×7年)後に「メサイア(キリスト救世主)が断たれ(殺され)なければならない。」と予告した69 週間(×7年)は、私達の太陽暦の476年間に変換でき、紀元前445年 に合計した場合、結果は西暦30年におけるキリストの受難(十字架刑)の年となります。●ダニエル書に500年以上も前に予告された正確な年に達する驚くべき年号、年代です!

There are indications that the Jews of Jesus’ day were expecting the Messiah to come around that time, as Luke records that “the people were in expectation, and all reasoned in their hearts about John, whether he was the Christ or not” (Luke 3:15). The Jews were very well acquainted with their prophets’ writings, so it’s likely that their awareness of this prophecy from Daniel was the cause of this expectation.

「 民衆は救主(キリスト)を待ち望んでいたので、みな心の中で(洗礼者バプテスマの)ヨハネのことを、もしかしたらこの人がそれ(救世主キリスト)ではなかろうかと考えていた。」
 (ルカによる福音書 3章15節). 


The fulfillment of the first part of this amazing prophecy inspires faith that the rest of it will be fulfilled just as accurately. For, as you may have noticed, there is one “week” of years unaccounted for. Verse 24 refers to “seventy weeks” in order to “make an end of sins” and “bring in everlasting righteousness.” However, verses 25 and 26, which predict the year of Christ’s death, only account for 69 “weeks.” What and when is this last week  
It certainly wasn’t fulfilled seven years after Jesus was crucified and then rose from the dead, ※●since an era of “everlasting righteousness” was not ushered in; nor was the vision and prophecy “sealed up” or completed.


※●とが【咎・科】 人からとがめられるべき行為。あやまち。 罰されるべき行為。つみ。

「それゆえ、エルサレムを建て直せという命令(紀元前445年)が出てから、メシヤ,キリストなるひとりの君が来るまで、七週と六十二週(69×7=483 太陰月の年数× 360)÷365= ●476年の太陽暦の年数)あることを知り、かつ悟りなさい。その間に、しかも不安な時代に、エルサレムは広場と街路とをもって、建て直されるでしょう。 その六十二週の後(西暦30年から31年頃)にメシヤ,キリストは断たれるでしょう。ただし自分のためにではありません。またきたるべき君(反キリスト、アンチ・キリスト)の民は、町と聖所とを滅ぼすでしょう。その終りは洪水のように臨むでしょう。そしてその終りまで戦争が続き、荒廃は定められています。」

キリストの死の年を預言する、69「週」の唯一の理由を説明してます。 すると、この最後の週は何ですか? 
●「永遠の正義」の〈時代など〉のさきがけとなる, 到来を知らせませんでした。

As we will see, the last week starts when the Antichrist confirms the covenant with many for one week. 
●It really is the last week???the last seven years.


In verse 26, the prophecy announces that the forces of a prince who is going to come shall destroy the city, meaning Jerusalem, and the sanctuary or temple. This was fulfilled to an extent by the Romans under the then-future emperor, Titus, who razed Jerusalem and its second temple to the ground again in 70 AD . Both the sack of Jerusalem and the slaughter of its inhabitants are related by the Jewish historian Josephus in his Antiquities.

26節で預言は、君主の軍隊がエルサレムの街と聖所や神殿を破壊しに来ようとしている事を意味し、発表しています。これは、西暦70年 に再びエルサレムとその第二神殿を地に倒壊させ全壊させ、その後、将来の皇帝のタイタスの支配下のローマ人によって、ある程度は成就しました。

However, verse 27 precludes Titus being the prince spoken of because it says he confirms, or makes, a covenant for a period of seven years. ●Titus never made such a deal.


「 彼(アンチ・キリスト)は一週(7年)の間多くの者と、堅く契約を結ぶでしょう。そして彼はその週の半ばに、犠牲と供え物とを廃するでしょう。」

This covenant, which plays a pivotal role in Endtime events, apparently allows the resumption of Jewish temple worship with all its requisite animal sacrifices. We deduce that because when this covenant is broken in the middle of the seven years, the sacrifice and offering is brought to an end. At the writing of this book, there is no temple and hence no temple worship. But, according to this and other prophetic passages in the Bible, one is going to be built. (Read chapter 1, “And He Shall Confirm a Covenant” in The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist for a more thorough treatment of this subject.)

終わりの時の事件で、中心的な役割を果たしているこの契約は、明らかにそのすべての必要な動物の犠牲とユダヤ教の神殿の礼拝の再開を可能にします。私達は、この契約は7年間の半ば(3年半)で破られるので、犠牲と供え物を終了する事を推測します。この書の執筆時点では、神殿は何も無いので、神殿の礼拝はありませんでした。しかし、この聖書の他の預言の文節によると、それ(神殿)が構築されようとしています。 (この主題のより完全な論法と取り扱いの為に過去に投稿した[反キリストの興亡,台頭と滅亡]の第1章の 「彼(●反キリスト)は多くの者と、堅く契約を結ぶでしょう」を読む必要があります。)

And at the breaking of this covenant, we are told cryptically that on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate. In Daniel chapter 11 we are told about the Abomination of Desolation, which is some sort of idol, being placed in the temple. And the peoples of the world are ordered to worship this thing. It is not going to be your everyday idol, either. We don’t know everything about it, but we will delve into it more in chapter 11. (Read also chapter 4, “The Abomination of Desolation,” in The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist.)


And all this is going to happen until the consummation, the very end, when God’s frightening judgments are poured out on the desolate. (See “The Plagues of the Wrath of God” and “Armageddon,” chapters 10 and 11 in The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist.)

そして、この全ては神の恐ろしい裁きが荒らすものの上に注がれる事の成就は、ちょうどその, まさにその終末に起こるだろうとされています。 ([反キリストの台頭と滅亡]の「神の怒りの疫病」と「ハルマゲドン」の第10と11章を参照してください。)●私のブログを参照!

When that is over, the following stipulations in Daniel 9:24 will all surely be fulfilled: “Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy.”

「 あなたの民と、あなたの聖なる町については、七十週が定められています。これはとが咎トガを終らせ、罪に終りを告げ、不義をあがない、永遠の義をもたらし、幻と預言者を封じ、いと聖なる者に油を注ぐためです。」

Jesus died for our sins at the end of the 69th week, and we have thus been recon-ciled. And after the 70th week, the transgression of the Antichrist’s reign in Jerusalem and in the temple will be finished. Everlasting righteousness will be ushered in with the establishment of God’s kingdom on Earth after Jesus’ Second Coming, which takes place at the end of the seventh year of the Antichrist’s reign. The vision and prophecy will be fulfilled and sealed, and Jesus will be anointed King of all the Earth. (See “The 1000-year Reign of Jesus Christ,” chapter 2 of From the End to Eternity.)

イエスは69週(×7年間)の終わりに私達の罪のために死んだ、と私達は、このように和解されています。そして、第70週(最後の7年間の)後に、エルサレムの神殿での反キリストの治世の罪が完了します。永遠の義は、反キリストの治世の第七年目の終わりに行われるイエスの再臨(2度目の来臨)後に、地球上の神の王国の設立で幕を開ける事になります。ビジョン幻と預言は成就し、封印され、イエスは、全ての地球上の油を注がれた王に成ります。 (終わりから永遠に,の第2章、「イエス・キリストの千年統治」を参照してください。)私のブログを参照

It continues to the second half!

Seventy Weeks | Daniel the Prophet | Books | Countdown to Armageddon

