#MrsUniverse Japan2015











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本田貴子 公式オンラインサロン美しさと内面は繋がっている造形的ではなくそこにいるだけで影響を与えグローバルに活躍できる人を増やしていく...リンクbi-mind.com



【Opportunities come to those who are ready.】


Since last week.,I have been busy dealing with a chain of synchronicities and opportunities, and the time has flown by. 

Korea can pass immigration, but do you need a pre-departure inspection when you leave the country? I haven't been vaccinated, so I need a local certificate, right?


My father, who is bedridden and unconscious, was transferred to a hospital and time has passed without seeing him for more than 90 days. even though it is a COVID-19 measure, what is the hospital situation in Japan where even my mother cannot visit him? 


As for my father, he has been told that he has only a few days to live.


I cancelled all the reservations for the Hawaii Petit Parent-Child Study Abroad program that he and my daughter had been going every year during the Mrs.Universe. 

The cancellation fee was 💵☺😭😭


My daughter flew in alone from Tokyo and left her

a second grader, at my parents' house in Fukuoka, while I went to Belarus. Now I have to deal with my father, my daughter's exams (my husband is an understanding man, so it's ok☺).... 

How will we overcome this and realize our dream as a family.... I really feel like I am being tested by God." 


I believe that "Opportunities come to those who are willing to seize eize them themselves. Preparation... (vaccine) was a miscalculation. 


I rushed out to buy a birthday present for my daughter's friend and got caught in a torrential downpour today...I was soaking wet. When I got home, I found a letter from my mother wishing daugther a happy birthday in writing &💵 (she sends me, my siblings, their spouses, grandchildren, and grandchildren on all their birth anniversaries). 

my daugthers birthday is Dec.7th


It made me sad to think of my mother, who was unable to visit my father, and of my parents, who took care of  daugther when I went to Belarus


I've tried my best not to use my family (especially my children )as an excuse for not being able to achieve my dreams.

But every once in a while an ordeal comes along.










#本田貴子#redpartydress #japan#paris

