I disagree that a big salary is much more important than job satisfaction because I completely believe that job satisfaction, motivation, and helpfulness to others are more much more important than a big salary. Life won't be fun if people are working in an unsatisfying job. I have several reasons for this opinion.


At the first reason, I think that receiving a big salary always means less time for family and less time to relax. It isn’t good for body health, and it might lose sleeping time. Losing time with family will have a negative impact on children and partner, and the breakdown of their relationship will have a negative impact on child's future. That’s why having time to spend with them family and themselves is more important than a big salary. In my experience, I think it is important for everyone in the family to stay together and keep healthy body and mental. I think people will be more satisfied if both their home and work life are going well.


At the second reason, I think that people will would like to quit them job every day. If people are not satisfied with them job, they will not be able to continue working for a long time. And then they are going to be financially difficult. Instead of choosing a job because it has a high salary, they should choose a job that they like or find rewarding. That’s why rather than getting a big salary, people should do that kind of work.


To conclude, I consider that a big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. People should be important time with family and safety work. In my opinion, having a satisfying and well-paid job would be the best life but life is not that easy.


Receiving a big salary is so difficult but I keep studying cardiovascular and English and then I get a big salary within 5 years.