Famed for his enduring fictional masterpieces Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe also possessed considerable expertise in maritime affairs As a commission merchant importer shipowner and an active journalist who reported ship news and interviewed surviving pirates Defoe achieved a high degree of authority on the subject of buccaneers His knowledge was such that his book A General History of the Pyrates remains the major source of information about piracy in the first quarter of the th centuryReprinted here in its entirety this fascinating history abounds in tales of flamboyant outlaws and their bloody deeds Captain Edward Teach alias Blackbeard Captain William Kidd whose trial and execution created a sensation throughout London and the world Bartholomew Roberts one of the most successful pirates of the era whose crews captured an estimatedprizes in three years Mary Read and Anne Bonny who disguised themselves as men to sail under the Jolly Roger with the illfated Captain