"[READ DOWNLOAD]  A Grateful Heart Is a Happy Heart: Daily Gratitude Journal with Prompts


Keep Your Heart (and Soul) HappyThe more you focus on gratitude, the more things show up to be grateful for. Have you ever noticed that? The opposite is also true. The more you worry about your problems, the greater your anxiety becomes, and the more troubles seem to find you. One way to reduce anxiety is to focus on the many people, places, and things in your life that you can be grateful for.When you are worried or overwhelmed it can be so hard to recognize all the good things in life that deserve our gratitude. I have been there. Seemingly surrounded by problems (and feeling afraid most of the time). It is NOT fun.If we focus on a few areas of gratitude every day, things can and DO turn around. This gratitude journal with prompts offers a few things to think about daily that can make a difference for you (and the people who love you). I am sharing this journal with the hope that it can provide comfort when someone might be scared, and hope when things look bleak. This gratitude 