* トランプ大統領は14日のツイッターで、
* トランプ人種差別発言報道はメディアが切り取り文でそう仕向けたものだ。
* これに関するNHKの最初のニュースも酷かった。 
  "You can leave"の訳が「帰れ」、"Quiet”の訳が「黙れ」だった。 
* BBC,ABC,CNN,日本のNHK,ANN、全くのフェイクニュース。左翼メディアに騙されるな!
* 「トランプ大統領は人種差別者ではない」|TRUMP| 新唐人 NTDTV JP



* トランプ 人種差別主義者にされる【及川幸久−BREAKING−】



* トランプ人種差別発言の裏にある宗教問題【及川幸久−BREAKING−】



* President Trump is on Twitter on the 14th,
   Four Democratic women's legislators who repeatedly make false
  and offensive extreme left speech against the Trump administration
  He said,
  "Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken
   and crime infested places from which they came..."
* Trump racism remarks media coverage is the same as the cut-outs of the media.
  Four non-whites of socialist lawmakers in the Democratic Party criticized Israeli Jews.
  They also denounced Trump's illegal immigration policy and heightened racial issues.
  this is,
  "The Trump administration's free democracy hit the pole to socialism at the extreme left"
  is a positive argument.
* NHK's first news about this was also bad.
  The translation of "You can leave" was "Kaere=Return",
  and the translation of "Quiet" was "Damare=Shut up".
* BBC, ABC, CNN, Japanese NHK,ANN, totally fake news.
  Don't be fooled by leftist media!