


Believe it or not  まさかと思うでしょうけれど

dick you around  あなたを搾取する、悪用する

smart-ass  生意気なやつ、知ったかぶり

apprehend  逮捕する

custody  拘留

haul  摘発量

dent  (弱めるような)影響

I met my reserve  最低落札価格以上になる


bug going around  (風邪やインフルエンザなどが)流行している

chest cold  咳のでる風邪

wipe down  ふいてきれいにすること

dick cheese  チンカス

snitch  密告者

dash  少量

exuberant  元気いっぱいの

dopey  麻薬などで 眠い、意識がぼんやりした

I’ll tell you what.  こうしよう

beaner  (侮蔑的に)メキシコ人

You’re on  その話、乗った

Copy that.  了解

persuasion  種類、タイプ

Pay up, sucker.  (賭け事で負けた人に対して)ほら、とっととだせよ~

peek one’s head  頭を覗かせる


amount to much  何か重要なことや価値のあることを成し遂げる、何か重要な結果をもたらす、成功する

bull-winder  (おそらくbowlwinder)  便器の中に渦巻く巨大なうんち

turn oneself in  自首する

Kotter  アメリカのドラマWelcome Back, Kotterに由来。ドラマでKotterは高校教師。

square one  振り出し、出発点

either that, or あるいは〜かのどちらかだ

turn you in お前を警察に連れていく

Damned if I know  =I don’t know

open offer  期限なしのオファー、(今がダメなら)


sure as hell  間違いなく、確実に

basket case  無力な人、ノイローゼの人、でくのぼう


recovery flask  ナスフラスコ

paraphernalia  道具一式

pièce de résistance (フランス語)  きわめつけ

volumetric flask  メスフラスコ

titration  滴定

flunk  落第させる

prick いやなやつ

bomb すばらしいもの

adulterant  偽和物、不純物

faggot  ホモ、ゲイ

onto  〜に感づいて、〜に気付いて

work out of something  to have a particular place as your place of work

boonies  僻地、奥地

straight  〔外見や生き方が〕保守的な、昔ながらの、酒[薬物]を飲んでいない

stick up his ass  堅苦しい男

break bad  道を踏み外す

compute  (否定文で)意味をなす、理にかなう

I’m just saying  俺が言いたいのは


How’s it coming “How's it going" is referring to your state of well being or how you are doing. “How's it coming" is referring to the task you are currently handling.

in style  流行して

pinch a loaf  slang for defecate = 排便する

I’ll mess you up they are typically using it as a threat or warning to intimidate or scare the other person. It implies that they are going to harm or hurt the individual in some way, either physically or emotionally.

one shot  something that happens only once or someone who does something only once: She explained to him that this was a one-shot, and she would not be helping him again.

Take a shot  try to do something; to attempt to do something

psycho   crazy


work it  It's sometimes used as an encouraging phrase.

ziphead  type of person referred to by Officer Foley, possibly a person who was addicted to a drug known colloquially as "zip", or a person who, like a lo-bo, had done something to their brain.

from here to Timbuktu  We essentially use this phrase to denote somewhere very far away. It is used to mean a journey we really don’t want to do, such as “ I’m not going from here to Timbuktu to pick up your things”. Not the best example, but you get the picture.

Timbuktu  Timbuktu is a city in Africa. The expression "as far away as Timbuktu" just means someplace far away, because for Europeans and North Americans who primarily use this phrase, it is rather far away.

way too much  〜すぎる

my man  仲間、親友

right on  いいじゃん

nutsack  陰嚢、玉袋

scante  メス

lay eyes on  to see or look at someone or something, especially for the first time.

poochie  犬

with a vengeance  すさまじい勢いで、猛烈

vato loco  VATOは「仲間」という意味。 LOCOは「気のふれた」の意味があるが、無我夢中、凄いというニュアンスも強く「ヤバイ」みたいな意味合いもあり、固い絆で結ばれた「ヤバイ仲間」という意味を込めている

homes  Homes" "Homey" .. , yes it means ..good friend, buddy, a friend that would be equivelent to a brother... Some gangs use it as the latter.. " close friend, like a brother"

break up  精神的に参る、がっくりする

feds  Federal Bureau of Investigation 連邦捜査局

stick it in  having sex

dime  (US, slang, with "on") To inform on, to turn in to the authorities, to rat on, especially anonymously. synonyms ▲ Synonyms: drop a dime on someone, dime out; see also Thesaurus:rat out. Somebody dimed on me and I got arrested for selling marijuana.

punk ass  describing one who is stupid

kick someone’s ass  To kick ass or to kick someone's ass means to show them that you are angry with them, either by telling them or by using physical force.

bail  保釈

pendejo  It's a mildly vulgar insult for “asshole” or “idiot” in Spanish.

bust  〔警察が麻薬の現場や人を〕手入れする、逮捕する

rata  (スペイン語) 〘軽蔑〙 卑劣な人

cap them  slang To kill someone, especially with a gun.

batch  一束、一団、1回分、ひとまとまりの数量、束

shame  残念[遺憾]な事

move it  急げ

homes  Homes" "Homey" .. , yes it means ..good friend, buddy, a friend that would be equivelent to a brother... Some gangs use it as the latter.. " close friend, like a brother"

red phosphorus  赤リン

accelerated 〈活動・作用などを〉促進する

phosphorus hydride  水素化リン

phosphine gas  ホスフィンガス

good  かなり、だいぶ