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フランスの大型書店「FNAC」に行くと、DVD売り場にあるわあるわ、「ベルサイユのばら」や「キャンディキャンディ」、「 マジンガーZ」や「アルプスの少女ハイジ」などなど、たくさん懐かしいアニメがずらっと並んでいました。

I went to a party few nights ago. The room was very pretty and unique with interesting interior ideas, and one of the bookshelves was filled with few different styles of comic books. Some of them were Japanese, some were Italian, and some were French.

I remember that I was surprised by seeing an classic Japanese cartoon film, " A little princess" on TV when I came to Franc for the first time.

In one of major bookstores, FNAC, in France, we can find many Japanese classic cartoon films on DVD like " Lady Oscar","Candy Candy", "Mazinger Z", " Heidi", and so on beside Japanese and French comic books. I was surprised by that since in the U.S, I have seen only modern cartoon films like " Naruto", " Dragon ball", and " One Piece". We can even find that people are reading both Japanese and French comic books at the book section in a large supermarket like" Carrefour".

アメリカのテレビで流れているのは専ら岸本斉史さんの「NARUTO」や尾田英一郎さんの「ONE PIECE」、鳥山明さんのドラゴンボール」など。昔のアニメはほとんど目にしません。そのため、昔のアニメが大好きな私は嬉しいショックを受けました。



Japanese and French comic books look very different.

French comics generally consist of Colour pages while most pages of Japanese comic books is in black and white.

There is the art style called "bande dessinee: Le neuvieme art (Comic strip or Franco-Belgian Comics)" in France.

フランスの漫画は基本全部カラーページ。「バンド・デシネ」(フランス語で描かれた帯/英語でComic Strips)と呼ばれているそうで、Le neuvieme art(9番めの芸術)として認識されているようです(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franco-Belgian_comics

フランスでの最初の日本漫画のブームは1978年に、イタリアとフランスで同時に放送された「UFO Robot Goldrake」(UFOロボグレンダイザー/著作:永井豪)がイタリア、フランスでのカルチャーショックが起こり、ヨーロッパに日本のアニメブームが始まったのだそうです。この作品は大ヒットで、フランスからなんとエジプトやアラビア半島でも大人気だったそうです。

When the first boom started in 70's. The Japanese cartoon film, " UFO Robot Goldrake" was a cultural shock for many people in Italy and France, and that triggered a Japanese Cartoon boom.

次のブームは1990年代に公開された映画「AKIRA」(大友克洋・原作)がきっかけで、これはアメリカでも大人気だったようです。私も「AKIRA」はコーネル大学の図書館でDVDを借り、初めてアメリカで観た日本のアニメ映画です。 (コーネル大学図書館では、日本の漫画が文化として重宝されていたようで、図書館の本棚の結構広い範囲を日本の漫画が占領していたことを覚えています。)


The next boom started in France with the animated film, called, "AKIRA". This cartoon was a hit even in the U.S. I remember that I found the DVD at one of the libraries at Cornell University ( There was a big bookshelf for many Japanese comic books as if they are one of treasured culture in the library). It is the first Japanese cartoon movie I watched in the U.S.


Japanese cartoon films are still very popular in France even after many years from the first boom. There are Japanese cartoons, which are minor in Japan but popular in France. Jiro Taniguchi's " Harukana Machi e" and " Kamigami no Itadaki" received an award at Angouleme International Comics Festival . Another cartoon " Solanin", the author is Inio Asano received the first award at Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards in 2009.


It may be very interesting to see the difference between cartoons in different countries.

Website I used for the blog:
