On 21th of March.
I cast back in my mind a day of meeting with C S D.
I met her near a busy thoroughfare of M in the morning.Icould see the wet street was reflected by a shop window.I noticed her to come out her apartment.She was waiting for traffic lights turn green,smiling and waving her hands.When we met under a tall tree near the main-street,I enbraced her warmlyand put my hand aroud her shoulders.We were heading to a cafe,for a I wanted to tald with her.Let me sketcha rapid portrait of her.She was wearing dard-red pants and black-coloured satin jackets over a T-shirts.Her eyes were deep-blue coulor as if they were beautifully shining diamonds.And her rips were coated in pink-coloured rouge.We ordered coffee and chocolate milk.Then we sat,facing each other.Before I came out with a few words ,I sipped some hot chocokate milk.This hot drink made me comfortable and relaxing.As I gazed at her face,there had been a very faint smile on her rips.Icould noticed that her forehead shows me a light of intelligence.Pherhaps,she did not know what I had had in my mind at the moment.Sometimes,I was absorbed by her look of intellect and curiosty.I thought in my mind ,Does her intellect inherit from her mother?Has she gained her intellectual-looking from scrath in the process of her growth?
Then I drew out a draft of my diaries from my bag.The handwriting was practically illegible but words stood out with unexpected clarity.I asked her to read to check it.Enveloped in an aura of smartness,she ran an interested eye through my visit to Ministry of Foreigne Affairs.While she was reading it,I felt something special grown up with our relationship.She gave me a few comments and explanations of grammatical mistakes.
I was glad because she praised and complimented my ability to write in English.
Enen though there were mistakes,she told me she could enjoyed the diary.Aftere we finished the chat over coffee,we walked aroud the park.There were many nameless tiny white flowres by the pond.I allowed myself to embrace her.We were walking arm in arm,choulder to shoulder with each other as if we were never let us go.
I had a lesson on calligraphy at Kanda.Professor Takagi taught me how to create works of calligraphy.First of all,you have to correct words from classics one by one,for instance "高野切”and"元永本古今集".
Then you need to choose poems from "古今和歌集・万葉集”.
If you donot have favorite classics,you can correct words from contemporary writer's works such as 土橋靖子・日比野五鳳.After correcting words, put these words in order of poems you choose,considering the balance between words and lines.In these processes, the important thing is to harmonize with lines and words in whole and organize them to flow to like a stream.To enhance your ability to produce calligraphy works,it is indispensible to copy a lot of classical works and memorize them.It should be desirable that you can write above-mentioned classical works without reffering to the models.
After the lesson,we were talking about the cultural exchange.His opinion was that I could give foreigners a big surprise,telling them the Japanese writting system and histories.For examples,the Japanese have adopted writting systems and characters called"kanji"from China in early sixth centuries.He also stressed the difficulties to make them understood its beauty.
When he stayed in Italy as a lecturer to demonstrate,he was astonished by students,who were writing with green-coloured paints and not INdia ink stick.
Because there is no "sumi",which is similar to India ink stick in Italy.This in on e of the examples,how difficult it is to conbey Japanese culture.He commented that even if foriegners from Western cultures can not comprehend the Japanese caulure,it is worth sending the message of richiness of the Japanese cultures.

I went to Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 18th of March,attending a conference as to WTO's trade in services.The term "trade in services" means international transactions in a diverse area of fields,including financial services,transportaion,communications,construction,and distribution.The trend toward a softening economy is becoming apparent.Since the 1970's,the service industry share of the global GDP has increased steadily and the rate of employee in service industries is also rising.
When I think barriers to trade in services, domestic regulations are more pivotal than border measures such as tariffs.It is desirable to eliminate domestic regulations that are potentialy trade barrieres.These domestic regulations are put in place for a many of reasons to protect domestic industries.The demand of liveralizing multilateral disciplines regarding services was weak.
Nevertheless,The US has pursued a policy of deregulation and has become competitive in the sectors of financial services and IT services.And also,in the developed countries ,trade in services has increased.It was agreeed that trade in services should be included in multilateral trade negotiations during the Uruguay Round in spite of objection from the developingn countries.
I felt the importanc of attaining a better grasp of the WTO rules and systems.After the conference ,I met professor W,who teaches at Keio and had worked at WTO's headquarteres in Switzerland, and made a courtesy to him,exchanging a few words.While I was waiting for him to prepare to leave,a man interrupted our conversations and talked to the prof.
It seemed to me that he was also a notable researcher,specializing in trade policy on WTO.I waited for him nearby,then we went to outside of the building.
Ar a front gate, the prof W sporked to a guard.I was astonished by his friendship with the guardman.Prof M asked me to have a break with him over tea at a nearby a cafe.I was glad to have the opportunity with him,for I wanted to talk to him about cultural exchange.We sat in a chair over the coffee and muffin.I talked about my plans of spreading the Japanese cultures,especially "kana"wich is beafiful cursive handwritings.
He was wowed by looking at my works.He advised to me that it might be difficult to make foreigner understand of the beauty of kana.
Even though most of the foreigner can not read it,it is worth of try.
He also advised me the importance of being tolerant of other cultures.
After I drained my coffee,he showed me a magazine entitled Economist.He told me that he had wrote an article on the history of Protectionism.While we were talking,I was surprised by his an excellent command of French, German ,Latin,and English.After the talk, we shookd hands with each other and said good-bye at the station.
I joined my father and several other friends at a local bar.Everyone was in a festive mood,eating and drinking.When a white women abruptly announced to the bartender,loudly enough for everyone to hear,that she couldn't bear to my hair-do.But she told me that she like the way I think.I was satisfied to leave my pride intact.I was reluctant to register my feeling to everyone.So,I pretended not to show my happiness.I sat on a table facing a tall man with his eyes give a intellect impression.He told me that he had been my father's classmate at Stanford,graduated in 1967;three years after Dr.King received the Nobel Peace Prize.A time when America had begun to weary of black demands for equality.Our conversation was interrupted by a tall,elegantly dressed man.After the meeting,I went back to home.A footman was standing in front of an iron gate.The footman ruhed to my car and opened the door for me with a bow.He announced "Mr T is expecting you,sir"
I replied "I see,tell him I will come in a few minutes".
I went upstairs to dress for the meeting with Mr T.When I entered the room,He said with a hint of smile." I think I have come at the wrong time I am too early".
"No"I said,and sat down at the table.

A memorandum had informed me that there would be a lecture on the 7the of March.
I headed for a nearest station waiting for my train.I felt my neck was being chocked by a tie.Wearing a suit is not comfortable things to do.I got on the train and sat on the seat.At that moment,I noticed that there were a man and a woman in front of me,talking each othere.I was sure that they were going to Soul,for they had a guidebook of Soul.Felt bored with observing the couple,Iglanced at a watch.A few minuites later,I arrived at a station named N.I was expecting to meet Sherry at noon.I had enough time to walk there from the station.While I was walking in a tree lined big thoroughfares,leading to a famous shrine,I could find a cherry tree with pink-coloured floweres near the shore of a old green pond.

A phone call was ringing,while I was in a bed.The sound was so noisy that I had to wake up myself to answer the phone.The very moment I got the phone,the call suddenly stopped.As a usual habit,I streatched myself to prevent my body stiff.Then I took a sip of hot milk with a chocolate and drained it at once.I had felf drowsy and sleepy yet,I made being wrappped up into the blanket.But a few moment later,I finally got up.The view from the room was gloomy.The colour of the sky was as black as soot.As I was sitting on a comfortable armchair in front of a pile of books,there was a knock on the door.A scullery -maid appeared with a hint of smile,holding a silver tray.On the tray,I could see a letter.The servant gave me the letter by hand and
made a deep bow to me with a graceious manner,then returned back to her room.I tore off the envelop and started to read.The letter was smelt of perfume of flowers.It was from a officer of Indian naval army named TJ.I run interested eyes through the letter immediately."Would you like to eat breakfast ,sir?" a voice interrupted.The servand entered the room with the British-style breakfast.Satisfied with the meal,I turned on a radio,adjusting to the classical music program.A orchestra sound filled the room.I glanced at my watch.It was 8o'clock already.
There was an old lady,who had ordered "Sukiyaki".
She wore dark eyeglasses and put a diamond ring with her hight hand as if she showed off the ring.She looked about fifty with an affable face.When I sat down next to her,ordering "Sutake-donburi",she gave me a gay smile.As I tried to put my chair aside to make her feel more comfortable,she told me "You donot need to do that,it is fine".I burst into lauthter with a little smile as I heard the warm-harted voice,which was produced by her.
It seemed to me that she was talking about "Taled of Genji" with her friend.I tried to focus on what they were talking.But I couldnot hear and grasp the conversations.I drained a glass of water and then started to eat the meal.After I finished the meal,I went outside to get on a train,intending to go to a Church.Then,I recalled a calligraphy lesson,which is usually held by at Kanda.I had a tlak with a close friend named N.He is a senior student of D University,specializing in Calligraphy.Relaxing and sitting on a comfortable sofa,"what are you reading?"he inquired abruptly."Oh,It's a book entitled "The history of Ukraine"I replied with a hesitation.
So,I decided to ask him"Do you know anything on Ukraine or Russia?"
"I donot know at all,but I would like to know ,sir".he replied .

"Next please"teacher's shrewed voice chimmed in .
It was my turn so that I approached to the professor.The advice trigged an ambivalent feeling.
I dated a Russian girl,who is pianist.I took her to a restaurant located on Azabu.We ordered Udon and Soba.While we are waiing for the meals, we could notice that there was a lily and pink-coloured ume at one corner of the room.
It seems to me that she knew Ikebana,which ought to be similar to arranging flowers.Then,I asked a servant to take a glass of water and two small saucers.The servant,who clustered around our table , gave me a big smile.As we started the lunch,she told me that it was delicious!After we finished the luncheon,we went to the downstairs to pay.Going Dutch or splitting the bill was against my polich so that I treated her to lunch.When I received change,I noticed the coin was almost new.At the same time,I concluded that this restaurant put the great importance to its customers.
We went for a stroll,side by side and arm in arm, for a while and said good-bye ata station,promissing to meet again to see the cherry blossoms.





脳を活かす生活術/茂木 健一郎


三銃士〈上〉 (岩波文庫)/アレクサンドル・デュマ


三銃士〈下〉 (岩波文庫)/アレクサンドル・デュマ


I did a 30-mimute workout at a gym.There was an able-bodied man with a stern expression on hisface in front of a mirror.When I gazed at the mirror,He gave me a gay laugh and a radiant smile,holding heavy weights with his left hand.
I could smile back to him,recognizing my shape of body reflected in the mirror.I managed to stray to a next room.I felt ashamed and slightly blushed.
While I was doing my workkout,I could recall a lady,who I met last Tuesday.
She was so attractive and sensual that I could vaguely remember conversations.
She had told me that she was from Russia as a pianist.I was wowed and astonished by her profession.It was a first-hand experience to talk with Russian.After I returned to home,I felt physically exhausted that I was lying on a bed for a while,listening a CD named "Living History Hillary Clinton".I admit that she is a formidable and also energetic figure in American history.I am reading a book entitled " The Three Musketeers"It is an interesting and fascinatig story.