先週の週末の話。 なんと、俺が大ファンで毎月読んでいる映画雑誌
彼が編集長をやっている映画秘宝.COM http://www.eigahiho.com
に俺が日本での俺の映画「I'll Be There With You」の配給を助けてもらおうと
北村君の取材もしたい!」と言ってくれたんだ!! 凄く嬉しかったあ!!
から最高に面白い!! でも、俺も狂っているから逆にリラックスできるんだよね。

スターウォーズの30周年記念の「Star Wars Celebration IV」

ダウンタウンのL.A. Convention Centerに全世界のスターウォーズファンが集結し、
もうマニアなオタクの狂宴会が 行なわれていました!!

吉田さんがその場で取材していたのは、なんとLUNA SEAのギタリスト、
俺は高校の頃にLUNA SEAが大好きで、もちろんSUGIZOさんの事もしっていたけれど、
まさかここまでのオタクとは!! ビジュアル系オタク!! 
一人のファンとして出演者のサインを貰っていました!! 俺も吉田さんからビデオカメラ
て、凄く勉強になった! でも、俺がSUGIZOさんと同じ席で面と向かってメシを食べて
に行ってきました!! 楽しかったなあ! 
凄くうれしかった! 映画秘宝.COMにアップされる予定だから、楽しみにしていてね!


最近は本当に忙しい!! 今、ある非常に政治的な映画が日本人監督によって

という形で参加する事になりました!! 今はクルーとキャストを探している段階で、
昨日、一昨日とキャスティングをして大忙しだったよお! ざっと100人以上、
役者さん達に会いました。 そこで出会ったのがキャスティングディレクターの

かなりやり手の方です。しかも美人! 俺が一番感銘を受けたのは彼女は役者さんに
凄く優しい事。 俺も役者としてオーディションに時々行くんだけど、ここまで優しくて、
俳優さんを尊敬してくれるキャスティングディレクターはあまりいない。 ちゃんと毎回、
のはいいなと思いました。 これからもお仕事を一緒にしてみたいと思わせる素敵な方でした。

俺は彼の事を尊敬しています。 アッコさんは正直最高です。メチャクチャいい感じで、

「あれ!? 俺っていつの間にかセレブ
なんじゃないの?? 間違いない!!」
陥っちゃいます。(笑) そんな事は全然ないんですが。



With Junkhunter Yoshida!!

I am sorry I have not written in my blog at all! I know you feel little sad when you go
to my blog and find nothing new..

So there is this favorite movie magazine from Japan which I read every month.
It is called "Eiga Hiho" (it means Cinema Treasure).
Junkhunter Yoshida
,who is one of the editors and writers for the
magazine, came to LA with his wife for just only three days for his work. I
worked and played with them together!! He is also the editor for the website
http://www.eigahiho.com and I e-mailed him around three weeks ago to seek help
for distributing my film "I'll Be There With You" in Japan. As soon as I sent the e-mail,
he e-mailed me back and said "I am very interested in you" and
"I am going to Los Angeles soon so I want to interview you!" I was so happy!!
Junkhunter Yoshida is such a fun and interesting guy because He has experienced some
crazy situations
in his life. He is a crazy guy just like me!!
and I guess that is why I can relax with him. His wife is very kind and beautiful
and I was totally impressed by him!

Mr Yoshida bought me a pass to get into a huge event
"Star Wars Celebration IV"
on this Memorial day weekend! I
t was Star Wars's 30 years anniversary this year and All the crazy fans from all over the world
got together in this event. Those crazy Star Wars fans were dressed as
characters and getting autographs from the various actors who played in the movie.
There was also a huge shopping both where they can buy all kinds of toys and the
lightsabers. It was a crazy party for crazy star Wars fans!!

The reason why Mr Yoshida came to this event was to follow and do a report about
Japanese Rockstar, Sugizo of Luna Sea, who is unbelievably a crazy Starwars fan.
I loved his band luna Sea when I was a high school kid in Japan. I could not believe how crazy
he is about the movie. He was talking about the details about the film which I had no idea about
and going around to get autographs and toys!! Mr Yoshida gave me a video camera so I was
following him everywhere to shoot the actions as a journalist and I learned so much!!
Oh my god! I could not believe that I was eating lunch in front of sugizo in the same table!
I could never imagined it when I was a high school kid. I became really good friends with Mr
and Mrs Yoshida so We all went to Disney Land together!! It was so much fun!

Mr Yoshida did a interview to me and that made me so happy!! That interview will be
featured in the website soon so please enjoy!! Mr Yoshida promised me to introduce me to
Japanese audiences big time so I am pretty excited!!

Mr Yoshida also introduced me to Kurando Mitsutake who is also the Japanese
director who did a feature in the USA just like me! At first, He and I did not get along at all!
We were talking shit to each other when we were eating dinner together but at the
next day, we talked and decided to help each other since we are both the Japanese directors
who are surviving in Hollywood. I was happy that we got united finally.
You can check out his movie " Monster don't get to cry" in Japan so please check it out!

man, I am so busy lately! Right now, we are doing pre-production for a feature film which will
be directed by a Japanese director and will be shot in the USA. It is such a political film!!
I joined the team as an assistant producer!! We are looking for the crew and
the cast right now. Oh man, Yesterday and the day before yesterday was such a crazy busy days!!,
because we were doing the casting session. We saw more than 100 actors.

The casting director was Yumi Takada who did the casting for "the letter from Iwo-jima" by Clint Eastwood. She is a hard worker and also a beautiful lady!
I was very impressed by how kind and respectful she is to actors. Everytime an actor finished
a cold read, she says "good job!" and make him/her feel better. Yes! The actors are sensitive!!
She was a very nice person who I would like to work with again!

I have been meeting and becoming friends with big time people from Japan every month this year.
I met the Japanese superstars, Manabu Oshio and
Akiko Yada and became friends with them on march. I met the president Kunizane and
the director Sion Sono at the end of April. I went to Disney land with Junkhunter Yoshida
and worked with Yumi Takada!

I started to think that may be I am a celebrity myself!
haha! But no, I know I am not yet.

But deep down inside, I am confident that I am actually
the biggest motherfucker of all of them!! haha!

Thanks for your support and love!!