どーも! 今回は宣伝でーす。 僕がお世話になっているTA ENTERTAINMENTが渡辺謙主演の
「明日の記憶」を劇場公開します! 凄くいい映画なので、ぜひぜひ前売り券を買ってやって
見に来て下さい!! あと、映画の宣伝や前売り券を売ってもらうボランティアを募集しています。
興味がある方は手を挙げろ! 渡辺謙さんに会えるかも!! マジで!

時間 June 8 - June 14

場所 Laemmle's Music Hall 3 & Laemmle's One Colorado


広告代理店の仕事にも脂が乗り、家庭円満、一人娘は結婚間近い、今まさに人生の “円熟期”に
突然、病を宣告された主人公、佐伯雅行を演じるのは「ラスト サムライ」
「バットマン ビギンズ」「SAYURI」と世界へ活躍の場を広げる渡辺謙。ハリウッド滞在中に



Ok! let me advertise about a feature film "Memories of Tomorrow" starring Ken Watanabe.
Because I want to support TA entertainment who is always nice to me and distributing
this film theatrically! We are also looking for volunteers to help us sell the tickets! May be
I can introduce you to Ken Watanabe! It is really a great film! Please come see it!!

When: June 8 - June 14

Where: Laemmle's Music Hall 3 & Laemmle's One Colorado


Masayuki Saeki, who is at the peak of his advertising career, living with a loving family, and
his only daughter is getting married soon, is diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's disease.
Played by Academy Award nominee Ken Watanabe ("Last Samurai", "Batman Begins",
"Memoirs of a Geisha"), he expressed his passion for putting this work onto the big screen
when he was in Hollywood. He is not only the leading actor, for the first time he is also the
executive producer of this movie. Moreover, the role Emiko, who fully supports her husband
even after the diagnosis, is played by famous actress Kanako Higuchi. Other cast members
including Kenji Sakaguchi, Hazue Fukiishi, Asami Mizukawa, Noritake Kinashi, Mitsuhihro
Oikawa, Terayuki Kagawa, Eriko Watanabe and Hideji Otaki, brightly decorated this film.
The original work, "Ashita no Kioku" (Memories of Tomorrow) by Hiroshi Ogiwara has won
the 18th Yamamoto Shugoro Award and ranked the 2nd in the Honyataisho 2005. Serious
subject is interwoven with calming humor, and the love between husband and wife is
depicted by talented Director Yukihiko Tsutsumi ("Trick", "Keizoku: The movie",
"Ikebukuro West Gate Park").

The film "Memories of Tomorrow" seeks for the real nature of love. What does it mean by
"being in love with the other"? What does it mean by "spending the rest of the lives together"?
This dramatic film is performed by various actors. This summer, "Memories of Tomorrow"
will leave a touching memory in your heart.

Please buy your tickets at:
