それが元になって感情的になったりします。 時々ですよ!(笑)


やつです。 (笑) ちなみに、俺は武器を持っていません

キックをぶちこみます! それで、犬はキャイ~ンって感じでやられて、すごすご
帰っていきます。 俺の妄想の中で、ですが。 (笑)

なってしまいます!! いろいろ、頭の中でシュミレーションをするのですが、

「オッケー! お前、俺の左腕をやりやがったなあ!!
そのまま、脳みそを潰すという感じで!!! しっかりと!!!! おらあああああ!!!
逃げて行きます! 俺の妄想では! (笑)

飲み込んでいる最悪にヤバいビデオでした! というか、大蛇は俺が思った以上に
速い!! しかも、ガブッっていう感じで噛み付いて、すげー痛そう! で、痛いと
多分、めちゃ凄まじい力でですよ。 ぶーちゃんは苦しくて、うんこもらしていました、、

それを見て、かなりブルーでトラウマになりました。 俺に倒せるのか、あいつを、、



おいおい、蛇野郎!! 人間をなめんなよ!! 

戦闘開始です!! とりあえず、噛まれたらかなりヤバイので、首のところを持ちます。
でも、ぐるぐる巻きにあっという間にされました!! 奴の絞め技は俺が思っている以上に
強烈で、一瞬やべえ!息が出来ん! 死んでしまう!!と思いました。 
それとは、やつを思いっきり噛むことでした!! もう、首のあたりをゾンビのように
食いちぎる勢いでガブガブ噛みました!! そこで、怯んで俺を放し、逃げようとした
大蛇の頭を踏みつけまくりです!!!! うおおおおお!!!!! 死ねコラー!!!

よっしゃー!! 勝利!!! 俺、強い!! 愛する人を守れたぜ!!!

その事を俺の友達の女の子に言ってみると、かなり引いていました。 (笑)
おいおい、俺をなめんなよ!!  じゃあ、お前の脚で俺の腰を締めてみろ! (笑)
へへへっ!! やべー最近の俺は少しエッチです。

それはそうと、近い将来、俺が最近作った短編映画「BLINDED BY BEAUTY」を


I will be honest with you about something.. Sometimes, I like to fantasize about things and
I think about if for a long time, or think really deep about it or I get really emotional
because of it..my fantasy..It only happens sometime!

One of the most frequent fantasy I come up is
"To fight against a beast for my life!"

It is a fantasy about me fighting against a fierce beast in various situation and in various
locations. I do not have a weapon in this fantasy..

That kind of fantasy started when I was thinking about how to fight a crazy dog.
If a violent angry dog attacks me, I will kick it's nose like a soccer ball!!
Then the dog cries out pain and runs away....in my fantasy.

Next opponent is a mountain lion or puma, that big cat beasts!!
They are very very strong. If I am not being careful, I will surely get killed
and eaten for their dinner. I think about so many ways to fight against it
but that big cat beast is fast, strong, and dangerous with it's fangs and nails!!

So I thought about the tactics. The best one is to actually sacrifice my left arm to the beast!
I will explain it to you. I extend my left arm so the mountain lion can sink the teeth deep in it,
very painful!! I scream!
"OK! You got my left arm!! Now I will give you the biggest damage you could ever imagine!!"
Now I could hold his/her head hard close to me and I will put my right thumb into
it's eye so deep that It almost crushes the brain!!
For a mountain lion, It means death that He can not hunt because of the damage.
That is why the mountain lion runs away from me!...in my fantasy.

Now I have won against a mountain lion, I was looking for my new enemy..
Then I came across to this one video on youtube.com. It was a video of a huge python
attacking and eating a pig!! I was completely shocked to see that the Python squeezed the life out
of the cute pig and swallowed it very easy.. It was a dangerous video to watch..
A python is way faster than I expect it to be.. It looked really painful to be bitten farm by it..
and in a second, the snake wraps it's body and squeezes way too hard..
In the video, the pig was pooping when he was being choked to death..and got swallowed..
I felt little bit depressed when i watched that video. It gave me a trauma....
Can I fight against python!? I felt it was impossible to win and I did not want to fight.

It is like one of the most terrible way to die! to be killed by a python!! What the fuck!!

But then, I started thinking about the situation when I have to save a girl I love from that beast..

You fuckin' snake!! Don't fuck with human!!
I have already fucked up a mountain lion!!!

The battle begun! I held it's head because I did not want to get bitten but I got wrapped around
by the snake's body and it started to squeeze me so hard!!
It was way way stronger than I expected so I felt like I was dying!! I couldn't breathe!!
Oh My God!! Now I started fighting back!! I bit the snake!! Yes!! I kept biting
the snake's head like a zombie!! Suddenly, the python got shocked and it released me to
get away from me!! I got up and stomped the snake's head over and over!!! and killed it!!

I became the one who survived the battle..OK! Victory! I saved the one I love from the beast!!! YAY!!

I told this fantasy story to my female friend the other day and she thought I was a crazy person..
And She stated strongly that The snake wouldn't release me even if I bite that thing and I get
squeezed to death.. Man, Lady! You don't know who I am!! Why don't you try to squeeze
my waist with your legs!! haha! Lately, I am feeling sexual little bit..what 's up with me?

All right! Enough with my fantasy! Let me announce that I will present the world premiere of
my latest short film "Blinded by Beauty" on internet very soon!! We are doing sound editing and
putting the credit now! It is a masterpiece to show you what kind of filmmaker I am!!
I think this film is crazy good!!

I will put it on this blog first, so keep checking!! You will enjoy it!!

OK good night!! and be careful with those beasts!!!