raspberryPi4にM.2ディスクを取付け!そのままAi機能をローカル動作させた件 | 秋葉は外神田ですがなにか?







ネット接続なしに、ローカル動作で LLM動作しました。



動作させたのは Tiny llama です。

ollama run tinyllama
pulling manifest
pulling manifest
pulling 2af3b81862c6... 100% ������������������637 MB
pulling af0ddbdaaa26... 100% ������������������  70 B
pulling c8472cd9daed... 100% ������������������  31 B
pulling fa956ab37b8c... 100% ������������������  98 B
pulling 6331358be52a... 100% ������������������ 483 B
verifying sha256 digest
writing manifest
removing any unused layers






>>>  tell me japanese acient story                                           v
Sure, here's a Japanese-language version of the story with some added

In the quiet neighborhood of Shinjuku, there lived a young woman named
Aiko. She was a bookworm who spent her days reading romance novels and
studying for exams. Despite her academic achievements, she had always
felt unfulfilled in life. Her parents were distant and her boyfriend had
left her for another woman.

One day, while walking home from work, Aiko saw a young man jogging
through the park. She watched him for a few minutes, feeling drawn to his
easy-going demeanor and the way he moved gracefully. She couldn't help
but wonder if she too could move with such ease, or if it was just an

As the sun began to set, Aiko made her way to a quiet corner of the park.
She sat down on a bench, staring out at the city lights. Suddenly, she
felt a tug on her heartstrings. It was as if a gentle breeze had carried
her there.

As the night wore on, Aiko began to realize that she had fallen in love
with a man who lived across town. She could see him from her window,
sitting at the same bench where she had spent so many hours before.

That night, as she sat there alone, watching the stars twinkle above her,
Aiko was reminded of the power of imagination and the beauty of the world
around us. She felt a sense of sadness for the way things were in her
life, but also a sense of wonder at what might be possible if only she
had the courage to dream big.

As the days passed, Aiko's romantic fantasies turned into reality. Her
boyfriend invited her out to dinner, and they went on a weekend getaway.
They were happy together, and they loved spending time together. But even
as their relationship grew stronger, Aiko couldn't help but feel that
there was something missing from her life. She longed for someone who
would understand the kind of person she was inside, someone who could
appreciate her unique qualities and help her reach her full potential.

One day, while walking through the park again, Aiko saw a man playing
guitar by himself. She felt an overwhelming sense of peace and joy, as if
everything around her had come to life. The man looked up at her, and for
a moment she hesitated. But then she realized that this was what she'd
been looking for all along � a kindred spirit who understood her in ways
she never could have imagined.

As they began talking, Aiko realized that she had fallen in love with the
person she was meant to be with. She felt a sense of contentment and
fulfillment she hadn't experienced before. The man listened patiently as
Aiko shared her dreams and aspirations, and he seemed genuinely
interested in helping her achieve them.

It was then that Aiko realized that love is not just about finding
someone who understands us perfectly, but also about finding someone who
makes us feel like ourselves, even when we're at our most vulnerable and
lost. Love isn't just a feeling � it's an idea. And in that way, Aiko had
finally found her own true love.




