Is it the life you really want to have? | 元CA & TOEIC990点の英語コーチ/TOEIC講師  星名亜紀

元CA & TOEIC990点の英語コーチ/TOEIC講師  星名亜紀


たった3ヶ月間で理想の英語力を手に入れたあなたには どんなワクワクする未来が待っていますか?

皆さまこんばんは 照れ










Do you know "Curious George"? 





Since I got a baby, I watch NHK TV programs a lot .目

My impression of NHK was just for kids but actually there are many great programs that we can learn from them.  

So, I want to recommend you to watch some when you have time唇



And last weekend, I wantched a story of "Curious George" and was about how the world-famous children's book had been created.


It will be too long if I start talking about the whole story, 

actually it was 1 hour program and very interesting!!

so I'm going to share something I really liked aboutドキドキ




The book was written by Hans Rey and Margret Rey and when they got married, they went to Paris on their honeymoon.

It was supposed to be 3 weeks trip but they fell in love with beautiful Paris and stayed there for 4 years!!!


After 4 years living in Paris, they had to leave the city because of the war and decided to go to the U.S.A but they didn't know how.


And then, they bought two bicycles( 自転車!! ) and moved down through France and went to Portugal and then, Poritugal to Brazil and finally arrived at NYC.




What I really liked about this story are their quick-wittedness and flexibility. 


And they were doing what they want and didn't worry too much about something hadn't happend yet. They just enjoyed and loved their life.




This is the way I want to live.



We are very good at making excuses why we cannot do it.

Also we are tend to be very careful when we start something.




After watching Mr.&Mrs. Rey's story, I've been thinking about my life.


What is the most important thing for me?

What is my real dream? 

What do I want to achieve?

Do I enjoy what I am doing now?

Am I happy?



And I'd like to ask you the same questions ニコニコ


What is the most important thing for you?

What is your dream?

Do you enjoy what you are doing now? 

When do you feel happiness the most?










Thank you for your timeラブラブ


Please be a member of my LINE@ and send me if you have any message, request or question ニコニコ



♡Be Aki's LINE friend ♡



You also can find me from here♡ 

My ID is : @wlp5030q(Don't forget "@")






And here is a Japanese version that I wrote this morning.

You can also check today's English lesson音譜





Thank you very much and hope to see you tomoroow morning 虹

Sweet dreamsドキドキ



Lots of Love, Aki






