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#River➡#三沢交流広場 #沼田市 #宮前風吹
Around the starting point 
you don't have to pick up a few piece of something like treasure.
Later. It is before the time to hunt the next 50 ones. 
Even better【Better yet】,hunter #鈴木みのる and some infantries don't come to you while you are purchasing a mine if you go straight to AEON Mall🍖🍩🐟💊👜✨ Hanyu in Saitama. #イオンモール羽生✨#さのまる 超特大店舗✨✨
Not to miss all the treasure, be careful! 

#アンチャーテッド4 #Uncharted4
#JumpingKiss 💋
#さゆまゆ #丸上ひまり
You can jump into treasure in the air moving with L3 button.
Dodging,rolling, every skill you should use 
and completion gets too easy by far! 
Always also use R3 button,3D camera !

White infantries always bustle and to aim at them only on the head with Mazur is a Herculean task. If only I had more 5 seconds, which I think every time when I fail ! 

This place is good for Wave 42, for you can use lope work, Cat's Diving Body Press, #森本夏乃🍊#ふるば #三沢光晴✨
Don't be afraid of RPG explosion !

Melee,#森本夏乃,lope action and #Headshot, let's act according to circumstances. Let's rise to the occasion.#臨機応変に ✖2✨

Before Wave 43 starts,you shold buy #PAK10 or #ArrowHead
for a cannonade at short range around 15 KOs remaining.
Like this movie you can carry both PAK-10 and #Mazur by the Siege area.

After head shot we died, and from the beginning. 
Like movie⑥ if you purchase PAK10 before the wave,PAK10 on the ground will disappear when you die, which means a waste of about 1350G
4 Mines should be set at this point where enemies will pass or hide.

Haste makes waste.

Headshot! with Mazur
You should kill an Invader immediately!
#杏樹🐼#KUKKA🍫gave me on Twitter✨
#Enforcer26➡(#三沢光晴 の)用心棒➡#杉浦貴 
#プロレスリングノア この緑の独特な感じは
4K業務 #三沢交流広場 にしか見えない✨ 
RPG is good to stop enemies !
Around 12 KOs Remaining I picked up PAK-10.
It's a little late timing than usual, but it's OK for me. LOL 

I've never played in such a chaotic situation inside the Siege and my past self couldn't complete this furious wave. 
Grenades,Red soul and slow motion trap after killing soldiers, from the all dangerous attacks you must escape.

Snipers also will aim at you from a distance and you always have to roll yourself and use blind shots too.
This movement is the personification of my engineering embodiment 
         擬人化 権化     工学・技術  化身   
She's the embodiment of beauty. 彼女は美の化身だ.

How to use RPG. TO a warrior in armour not amour LOL.
Pick up a mine and throw it out of the Siege area as some warriors come into this place and you must protect yourself from the explosion. 

Movie⑪ Wave44

Characteristics of Mine✨
① Gage of Mine will get full by killing enemies sooner than the one of Grenade.
② When purchasing a mine, all grenades will disappear
and vise versa.
③ You can concentrate on an aim at a soldier while the other enemy is damaged by your mine.
④ While a warrior is down by the explosion of a mine,you can even resuscitate your colleague.
⑤ Enemies will escape from your mine but come close to you again LOL.
⑥ Mine is very useful in Siege area inorder not to let them invade the place.
⑦ Too many mines make them keep away from you for a long time.  
⑧ If you purchase Gear-50%-OFF ticket in the real uncharted shop, 
your play will more enjoyable!
Only 30 yen with 6 kinds of Big Burgain Ticket.
⑨ A mine is detachable or removable.
⑩ If #ChinaLake #鷹宮玲亜 hit a mine with,
the destructive force is more than twice as much as the one only with a mine.
⑪ When a mine explode, you will be damaged.So be sure to think of the place where you will set your mine.

I feel as if I wrote the rule of Death Note🔥💀on the black screen.LOL 

If you fight here,two-directional simultaneous combat is possible.
#ChinaLake #鷹宮玲亜👑is essential as a Heavy Weapon of being cheap and powerful.It contains four cannonballs and also hit multiple soldiers at a time! Without using this weapon,it is very very difficult to complete this wave.I've realize this fact at last LOL. It will depend on fortune. 

💡Grenade is great weapon because we can throw it at enemies in the distance.
You should perceive its fright-distance thinking about itself rolling after landing on the earth! 
Resuscitation should be behind the rock, some obstacles.

Movie⑬ Wave45
I use the last wave experience in Wave 45.
I think of where I can explosive PRG at multiple enemies.
This place is also effective !

Movie⑭ Wave45-2
#ChinaLake #鷹宮玲亜➡PAK-10➡earn money
➡#ChinaLake #鷹宮玲亜 #100セカ #いちみる🍓

Movie⑮ Wave45-3
You should destroy the Brute and pick up  RPG immediately but I failed in getting it.
Even unknown gun is useful on the ground.
Strive and make an effort to complete this wave.

Movie⑯ Wave45-4 
The place for Brute to die should be here, I think.
After his death, I can be #橋本環奈写真集 か・い・か・ん♪Ecstacy
By rolling discard the Machingun and pick it up again in an emergency.

#アンチャーテッド4 #Uncharted4
#JumpingKiss 💋
#さゆまゆ #丸上ひまり

Movie⑰ Wave45-5 
We have a little time to complete the wave, so resuscitation of Nate as well as  picking up the Machine Gun are needed.
Even if you are wounded by getting the Machine Gun,you should kill the Brute with this weapon.It's powerful and takes a little time to kill him.

Uncharted4,the Second 2024 Hidden Update is like chess problem.
Especially with regard to Stage 6 8 9 10 !
You cannot win only with your great skill.
