
You need only about 1000 yen to purchase #Uncharted4@#ブックオフ or Download and just about 800 yen a month to play Survival 【Arena】👑✨on the Internet !!✨


Uncharted4 PAK-10 橋本環奈写真集✨か・い・か・ん♪

題名の通りである、⇧これに釣られて PAK‐10メインという荒業✨

今回の世界一動画 #Remnants 

#遺跡➡#岩宿遺跡 日本最古の遺跡 

#黒曜石 の話を #国土交通省 施設の人に聞くとまさに帰り道、 

珍しい黒衣装で #JunmpingKiss #山田莉愛 が俺を見送りwww

帰りに #ヤマダ電機 の撮影に絡むというwww #みどり市



Who is he ?

 His action is telling you who is he.

Hint:an idol concerned with my daily work.


💡The answer is Morimoto Natsuno. #森本夏乃➡#乃木坂46

On the top of her twitter, a cat is diving.

It mimics the man’s action of #Uncharted4,  Diving Body Press.

So, you can say, Cat's Diving Body Press✨#森本夏乃🐈💨#ふるば


A cat🐈💨 is my favorite animal✨ and both#山田莉愛 and #鈴木陽依梨 introduced Kitty🐈to everyone , which I recorded on iphoneSE as 4K movies.

My cat as a pet has appeared in my dream when it percieved its last hour.

I gave Hasimoto Kanna #橋本環奈 a lot of works which also contain the former contents. LOL

Diving Body Press is also a professional wrestling move of Misawa Mitsuharu, a legend.

#三沢光晴 It is also called Frog Splash!!


#山田莉愛 also loves Splash Mountain in Tokyo Disneyland, 

the trio sometimes uploads some pictures of this amusement park LOL.

This wave allows only three actions as a way of killing, a lope aciton, Cat's Diving Body Press #森本夏乃 #ふるば, head shot and melee.

As you notice, I am so scared with the enemies on the worst condition.

I can't crimb, jumped twice and am very frightened by potential enemies' attacks. LOL 

#武井壮🎤ギター!➡#丸上ひまり🌻plays the guitar.

上が◎!➡It means fighting upstairs is safety! LOL



A Big Gui Warlord unsuspectedly appeared right at my standing point and damaged me by his Cat's Punch, which I was so frightened by and experienced for the first time as a truly cruel attack !

Yesterday I watched a funny movie that a cat's punches several times at the othe rone, which was suddenly given in front of me druing Net surfin LOL. A cat's punches at the other mouse is also strange LOL.

①#森本夏乃🐈#ふるば ②#星野るな🐈#渡良瀬橋43 ③#JunmpingKiss 💋#秋月柑七🍊🐈


You must bravely fight against the Warlord again and again even though the screen turned white and you are almost dead.

You don't have enough time to aim at him because he shows close attacks and a lot of his helpers are so disagreeable.



After I discussed in a TV Program #ニュースウォッチ9 #NHK , they shew #薬師丸ひろ子 #セーラ服と機関銃 which is concerned with #橋本環奈 the movie, the same title.

I was so impressed with this title which means "Salor with Machine Gun"

So, I automatically use PAK-10, the symbol of Ecstacy か・い・か・ん #橋本環奈's murmur.

So, no special bargin for fight and no mystical.



You can defeat soldiers like this by PAK-10 gun, grenades or mines, and #エルドラドの怒り

To throw it at the center of the crowd of enemies is the very effect method of damaging them.

With every method you should fight with them.

The cap is the one which a police wears and #JunmpingKiss #秋月柑七 also wears a cap today on her twitter.

She is so happy to be encouraged by me No.1 teacher of English and Japanese thesis in Japan.


Movie⑤ Mystical 50 % bargen I didn't know,sorry.

I purchace as many mines as possible but #ChinaLake is more effective and cheap.

Though I didn't enough time to think about it, these mines help myself on the cliff !!

Above all I would like to enjoy the fight with them here at AEON Mall Ota #イオンモール太田🍖🍩🍺📚💊👜🎮✨#モーニング娘 #森戸知沙希 #渡良瀬橋43 #星野るな🐈#松山あおい おねえさん



With Warlord's teleportation here and there, aim from the first floor at him on the second floor is exciting game ✨#橋本環奈写真集👙#セーラー服と機関銃 4K exciting✨#長澤茉里奈🀄👙✨ 



I am about to weep because of his fierce attack.



PAK-10 is the supreme gun for Ecstasy か・い・か・ん♪

#橋本環奈写真集👙#セーラー服と機関銃 new comer !4K exciting✨#長澤茉里奈🀄👙✨ 

can pick up RPG🔥✨


Movie⑨ RPG is also #橋本環奈写真集👙#セーラー服と機関銃 new comer !4K exciting✨#長澤茉里奈🀄👙✨ 

①#森本夏乃🐈#ふるば ②#星野るな🐈#渡良瀬橋43 ③#JunmpingKiss 💋#秋月柑七🍊🐈


#イオンモール太田🍖🍩🍺📚💊👜🎮✨#モーニング娘 #森戸知沙希 #渡良瀬橋43 #星野るな🐈#松山あおい おねえさん


Movie⑩ Watch your step and fight in safety zone not to fall into a hellhole.

Aim behind rocks or some obstacle.

①#森本夏乃🐈#ふるば ②#星野るな🐈#渡良瀬橋43 #星瑠菜☆☆☆

③#JumpingKiss 💋#鈴木陽依梨🍊🐈
④#いちみる🍓#鷹宮玲亜🐈 #丸上ひまり🌻
#橋本環奈写真集👙#セーラー服と機関銃 new comer !4K exciting✨#長澤茉里奈🀄👙✨ 


Movie⑪ PAK-10 Ecstacy Relatively Eternity✨

Movie⑫ Ecstasy before your Eyes and Ecstasy on the slope LOL


Movie⑬ Run! Dodge and Jump!

Watch out for 360° like panoramic view!White Screen!



Swift steps of Warlord limited to me the best player in the world, isn't it ?


Movie⑮ Barok44 strong gun


Movie⑯ Massacre !! まさか!which,means unbelievable! 

#夏宮あやか #メトロポリス said to me in 2019 at Shibuya.

Secret Photographing📹📸 and disgusting letter 💌to Idol #JC#JS teenager, Kimoota do such stupid things !!➡Massacre!!


Aim moving back is my original technique and being in the middle of Massacre !!



You must not pick up this gun because PAK-10 disappear instead of it.

You can get the Level up gun without doing anything.

In the last scene I used Pistol #ピストル 

He said #一網打尽📸💌(# ゚Д゚)🔥 Let's make a wholesale arrest.

