24 #棚下不動の滝🍊みかんな #秋月柑七🌈虹 #ジャンキス🌈がみられるよ!と当日の朝に なう!ツイートをもらう 長時間虹 真上から撮影が綺麗🌸#宝寿柚花🌸#鈴木陽依梨 ジャンキス💋北島由唯 (youtube.com)



Tanasita Fudo No Taki Fall, is located in Shibukawa City of Gunma Prefecture. 

40 minutes walk away from Tukuda Station on Joetsu Line. 

It also takes 40 minutes from Maebashi Station to Tsukuda Staion by train. 

It costs just 500 yen. 

Tanasita Fudo No Taki Fall is famous for its magnificient appearance itself 

and the enormous amount of water supply ! 

I will make it come true this sentence⇧. 

In fact, not yet. 

But this place is known to those in the know. 

We can see beautiful rainbows on the both edges of the fall.

Right hand 💡edge or left hand edge.

Its appearance  is determined by the watcher's 💡post 

and the angle of a camera on IphoneSE. 

I've uploaded many kinds of 4K movies of its fall.

You can see these great movies for free !

To our surprise, this fall supplies fabulous amount of water to Tone River with the largest drainage area in Japan.

Whenever we visit this fall, it never stops its stream !

For 24 hours in 365 days this fall works.

For this reason, a staff member of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has written bule letters "No.1" on the wall of rock near the fall to tell me the truth and make me think about this fact !

I owe this fall what I am.

It gives me vitality to live a happy life.

(未推敲)☞津久田駅 Tsukuda Station など大文字へ訂正





I'll polish this thesis from stunning scenery point but also idol's point of view.

The blue word "No.1" also indicates that Jumping Kiss,an idol group in Osaka Prefecture, is the best one in Japan.  Because  an orange, called "mikan🍊" in Japanese language, is set as an offering by a household Shinto altar and Kanna Akiduki, a leader of the group, is also called Mikanna🍊.Their performance as idol is perfectly elaborate one and we could fully enjoy this entertainment ,the best in terms of balance between a dance and a chant. Better yet, beauty of this three idol members fascinates us incessantly. I was moved to tears at the moment I started to watch their real performance on the stage in Nakano Zero Hall near Nakano Station on Chuo Line. My mind's eye as an Ace of Morito Chisaki at the age of 12 years old, once belonged to Morning Musume which is one of the most famous idol groups in Japan, enables it.


Tanashita Fudo No Taki Fall has also some more breathtaking scenery.

When we go up the short stairs of the No.1 Rock, an unbelievable landscape is there below our eyes. The stream of the fall joins the magnificent Tone River,

the superb view in collaboration with a running train on Joetsu Line far away from there is a perfect treasure💎 for me. Tanashita 12 Sama, some huge rock walls made  is also my lovely child !  


🎮Uncharted4 PS4 Video Game, ten million seller,44,000,000🎮in the world,describes this fall in every scene of the game.

Japanese Self-Defense Forces called "JGSDF Camp Soumagahara" #相馬が原駐屯地 have led me to this fall #棚下不動の滝 or #棚下十二さま huge rock wall in collaboration with each running train🚃during snow ⛄weather or Cherry Blossom🌸 season.They have also perfect scenery that I've never seen in my life !!

"JGSDF Camp Soumagahara" #相馬が原駐屯地 陸上自衛隊 staff members have graduated 72 deviation value, National Defense Academy, the top ranked one  in Japan. They have also coached me on the Internet to be the top player of Uncharted3 in 2012 and in 2017. It is an unannounced beautiful story of us.

They have made me what I am today !!



推敲:walls made by rock➡これは誤り 

△walls made of rock が正解だが、岩でつくられた壁のような意味合いになるか。

したがって 〇rock wall で検索するとやはりちょうどよい例文を発見。



また、一応 scenery(可算名詞)の例もあるので調べると

 landscape は、可算名詞であり、an unbelievable landscape は正解。










通常は 英文をチェックするネイティブの秘書や 検定持ちの秘書などがついて回るものである。俺は誰一人としてそのようなアシスタントがいない。



The company is at the cutting edge of technology.(その会社は技術の最先端にある。)

政府謀略:💡edge➡from the edge #鬼滅の刃 #Lisa #櫻井佑音

💡post は 旧ツイッターにおいての ツイートのことであり、意味は 立ち位置、投函する。➡みかんな🍊#秋月柑七 が直後にポストと 初世界発信!wwwwwww

a fabulous sum of money 莫大な金額.




The traveler drank in the beauty of the scene.発音を聞く   - 研究社 新英和中辞典



We see the whole city below our eyes.発音を聞く   - 斎藤和英大辞典


The stream joined the river just below the bridge. 



推敲をしてみると、三単現のS 固有名詞など大文字にすべきものを小文字化、


実に数年ぶりに執筆か。アンチャーテッド で英文を散々書いたから、もういいだろ、と思ってた。そっちを読めや(# ゚Д゚) まあ、ジャンキスの宣伝ということらしいから書いてあげたまで。scenery ➡不可算名詞で sceneries とはならないようだ。






だが、キモオタ退治というなら話は別、ここ近年は 自分の能力を見せつける体

で業務をこなし、盗撮ラブレターキモオタ撲滅にまい進している(# ゚Д゚)✨