Hi, guys. Let me just start with where I left off in the article that I wrote yesterday. I came up with a lot of what I think about cultures and English education here in Japan, but I don't stop there.

Those are really worth discussing, and I still have several things that I'd like to share with you all.

I believe one of the most ''appropriate goals'' that education is supposed to pursue lies in broadening your perspectives and values of the world.

So, what are your perspectives and values? These are just based on experiences you've gotten in your life, and your life can be anywhere. It might be here in Japan, might be in the States, Africa, Europe or...elsewhere, which are all almost completely different. I think it's safe to say that all of you are determined by where you are, I mean, culture, at least part of you can be. To be honest, for example, many Japanese people are so punctual. They are usually not allowed to be late for a job, dating, and even marriage! I know no one wants to do such dumbass things, but why do these happen? Because everyone is doing them, in other words, the society forces us to do so.

Now, take a look at Thailand, maybe you will be shocked with this story(actually I was) that I heard from my English teacher who went there just one time.
She said that it was 5pm, and there were so many people at a local station waiting for a train which is supposed to arrive within 30 minutes. And it turned out that the train seems ''a little bit'' late. Nobody cared, and so didn't she. 30 minutes have passed since the announcement was made. Then 1 hour ...2 hours...3 hours...and finally it ended up 8 hours late!!! I really doubted it for sure, but it seems true.... and she added the fact that those who waited there were not irritated.

Yes, this story is crazy, but what I want to say here is just let's be more relaxed!! The tense situation here can sometimes lead to horrible things.

Do you remember the accident that occured in Hyogo prefecture? The one that a train derailed as a driver tried to make up for the delay he made and accelerated the train. (It left 107 fatalities and roughly 500 casualties.)

This is a kinda result that would come from the awareness of being overpunctual. What if the driver once visited Thailand and realized that ''oh, we are that punctual, maybe we should be more relaxed.'' Thinking like this way is kinda silly, though.

This is just an example, but like this way, you can be aware of disadvantages that should be improved as well as advantages that should be respected more. That's the thing. That's why you should learn about other cultures, which will absolutely broaden your views of the world.


I gotta pack for the traveling... hajime