Well trained hunting dog

We know few local hunters in this resion.

去年の冬以来、この地域の 猟師さん数人と知り合いになり色々とお話しを聴く機会があります。
猟については 経験も資格もない当方ですが、興味深い話題ばかりです。
Do you know about the hunting culture in Japan?
Some people might have image of hunting as the simple activities for the game or outdoor sports.

In many area of Japan hunting is not for those purposes.

特に夏の終わりから秋にかけて、イノシシ 鹿 猿により畑や田んぼの収穫前の被害は深刻です。
米や穀物、大根や芋。ありとあらゆる収穫物が食い荒らされてしまう地域もあり..  .
増えすぎたシシ 鹿の頭数をコントロールするため、 冬の猟師さんたちは大忙しだそうです。

The numbers of wild boars and deers are growing and causing the damages on the crops like rice, grains and many sorts of vegetables.
This serious economical loss for the farmers is becoming a big issue.

Now you know.. .
Yes, hunting here is Japan is for number controlling of boars and deers.

The hunters work hard and sometimes the trained hunting dogs help them to work as the team.

Some local hunters are over 70’s and they mention about shortage of their successors in the future.