About my album♥ | Ai Ninomiya's Diary Powered by Ameba

Ai Ninomiya's Diary Powered by Ameba

Ai Ninomiya's Diary Powered by Ameba

About "Finding Stride"

I named this album after a certain message that is "Everyone is on their way to find the next step".
To find your own pace is what's really important. To be perfect and complete is what we all aim for but could never be done. I mean, common, we all know that.
So let's face it, take yourself as who you are, and admit that you are trying your best as you can, and so the others!!!

There are few songs that I specifically focused on physical disabilities, person's death, and money issues. I wrote these lyrics from a very narrow perspective, which I did on purpose. Because, are there people or even a person who is wise enough to give one  a perfect advice? Or to observe one's self so correctly? i think not.

And of course, there are songs about love. Many different kinds of love.

I hope you can relate yourself with some songs from the album, and if you could I'd be more than happy to receive your feedback through Twitter, instagram, or even Email me!!!

You can contact me HERE♡
