Hello, everyone! It's me, Aina blogging today as well.

I haven't written a blog in a while in English, so I thought I would give it a go once again. Hope you enjoy>>


So, in the previous blog, I wrote about a lesson on Sachiko. (It was a 90 minute lesson that time) And guess what!?

I'm riding. . . 





It was my first time riding her twice in a row, and I couldn't be more excited:) 

I tacked her up, and she was all ready for our lesson🤍 


I had a nice warmup on her, and I could tell she was feeling kind of fresh! It is kind of exciting to ride a horse or a pony that's fresh, but... hopefully not too  fresh if you know what I mean.


The warmup went pretty well, and then we started going through poles in trot, then solo in canter. Her canter is smoother than others, and it's just.. lovely音符We went through cross rails and we jumped about 60/70 cm! It was absoloutly fun!! I had a great time, and I think Sachiko did as well:D


Now quickly blogging in Japanese👍🏻 (軽く日本語でも書きます。)





60cm と 70cm の障害を跳んでいきました。小さいコースも回って、とても上手と褒められました! 70cm を跳ぶの、とても楽しかったです!!さっちゃん、今日も走ってくれて、ありがとうね!


皆さんもブログを読んでくれて、ありがとうございまいた! 英語。どうだったかな! また次回もよろしくお願いします!