I had ridden a lot of different horses since my jumping lesson had started.

Even horses that are a bit stubborn-even though they help me get better at riding every time:) 

And this Thursday, I had ridden a beautiful horse named Zeal Drill. I know I had written a blog about him a couple times in English, I just really like him🤎

I feel like each time I ride him, I like him even more, and I get better at riding since he can be a bit hard to ride.


So that Thursday, I had tacked him up as always, and got him ready for the lesson. We had a 90 minute lesson, so I asked him if he wanted some water, but he didn't want to drink it that time.


The first couple of minutes is always the hardest, since he doesn't want to move much. Although, after some communication and some pets, he was able to walk with the other horses. Afterwards, I tried using my whip and got him to get my contact. He was doing so well, even after moving into a trot, he was doing super amazing and I could never be more proud😁


Some time passed, we got into canter one by one and went through some poles. He listened to me quite well, so I didn't have to use my whip as much today. We jumped crosstrails,and a bigger jump which was fun飛び出すハート


He did refuse to move a couple times, and took a little while to even trot, but after a couple minutes, of course we were able to jump smoothly.

He actually cantered a bit faster than usual, which was a surprise. I was able to bring him back to a steady canter,  and I was just SO...



Proud Of Him ❤

I untacked him, my instructor put 2 rugs on him since he was big, and he usually tries to kick, even when my instructor does it😬


I put him back to his stall, gave him a couple of treats and gave myself a pat on my back (Not physically) since I was so proud of him:Ⅾ


Thank you so much for reading my blog, hope to hear from you all next time!