For two people in love, a hot nabe is perfect! But an ordinary nabe is boring! So, there is a secret hidden inside the pot. It is a magic word that calls out the names of the two people in love! The moment the pot boils and the magic is released, the distance between the two people in love will be shortened. The pot is filled with seemingly ordinary ingredients, but each ingredient actually has a special effect.

Meat: nurtures the love between two people.

Vegetables: to keep both of you healthy.

Tofu: brings out the tenderness between two people.

Udon: strengthens the bond between two people.

Eating together while calling out the magic words will deepen the love between the two.


 Beef (or pork): 200 g

 Cabbage: 1/4 cabbage

 1/2 carrot

 Bean sprouts: 100 g

 4 shiitake mushrooms

 1 tofu

 Udon noodles: 2 balls

 Water: 800 ml

 1 teaspoon chicken bone soup stock

 1 tablespoon mirin (sweet cooking rice wine)

 1 tablespoon sake 

 1 tablespoon soy sauce

 2 tablespoons miso

 Magic words: (names of two people in love) x 3 times

How to make

Put water, chicken soup stock, mirin, sake, soy sauce, and miso in a pot and heat.
Cut pork into bite-sized pieces and vegetables into bite-size pieces.
Add vegetables, tofu, and meat to the pot and bring to a simmer.
Add udon noodles and simmer further.
Eat together while calling out the magic words.
As the pot comes to a boil and the magic words are released, the ingredients in the pot become hot all at once. They are surprised, but feel it is the power of love, and begin to laugh and eat together.

The pork is tender and juicy, the vegetables are crunchy, and the udon noodles are chewy. And the tofu is so smooth and mellow, the flavor just melts in your mouth. They continue to eat with smiles on their faces, admiring that they had never had such a delicious nabe before.

As the ingredients in the nabe dwindle, they start looking for udon noodles in the pot. So she takes one udon in her hand and offers it to him. It's for you," she says, and he happily takes it. The two of them were overflowing with compassion for each other.

After they finished eating the pot, she reached out her hand to him and said, "Thank you, I am happy to eat with you. Thank you, I was happy to eat with you. Let's make it again." He took her hand and nodded with a smile.

They spent another happy day together, eating hot nabe with lots of love.

These are the Kitchen in Love! This is a recipe for a hot pot with a romantic comedy flavor. Why don't you make this recipe and enjoy a hot pot full of love, too?



This article is a fiction based on the one created by AI and has no relation to any real person or organization.




Fic AI: "When I was writing this, AI's heat level was halfway up..."

↓At the time of writing

Fic AI "Try to write on the theme of love..."

AI "Humps! HUNSSU!!!!"

da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da... (typing sound: auditory hallucination)

Fic AI "........."


















