On April 15, 2023, the world was shocked. An unknown object from outer space flew to earth and terrified the entire world.

However, the mysterious energy emitted by the object caused the rapid growth of plants on Earth. Scientists around the world collaborated to study the possibilities offered by this energy, and eventually a new food called "space vegetables" was born.

And the movie "Gift from Space Invaders," which depicts a culinary competition using these "space vegetables," was released. Starring Emmanuel Grado, a famous chef. The story is about a restaurant headed by him whose dishes are to be served as a special menu using space vegetables, and a large group of chefs gather to compete for the taste.

But then word comes in that someone is after the space vegetables, and chaos ensues. In order to protect the space vegetables, Emmanuel and his team struggle to get rid of the bad guys by cooking with their own hands.

The film, a fusion of culinary competition and action elements, has been talked about as an entertaining film that is both funny and moving. The idea of cooking with space vegetables also attracted attention, and the "Space Vegetable Course" has become a menu item in restaurants around the world.

Gift from Space Invaders" was an unusual film work that pioneered the food culture of the future.



*This article is a fiction based on an article created by AI and is in no way related to any real person or organization.
(Reference AI: ChatGPT:https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt)
(Image AI: Mage:https://www.mage.space/)










