更新I believe I invented the perfect time machine. | aikohighのブログ



I altered that no history had happened this time too.

I can alter that no history happened by my time machine.

6/28 In conclusion, the evidence strongly supports that I invented the time machine.

6/29 By the wish, in time travel, there is perfectly an original, thus explaining the three-point machine as well.

I n other words, taking everything into consideration, by the three-point machine, there is not a mere replace.

By the three-point machine, I enabled beyond SF, full pixels, 24 hours, normal, Doraemon. I overcome the time paradox, too. I am in such a phase.

6/30 But recently I succeeded in the surroundings time travel there is an original and changing the past. ex. sweets offerings changed the past: the Noto victim did not be killed.

My time machine can probably change anything.

March 20, 2019 was not as Wikipedia according to NHK NEWS 7. I changed the history by NANA CLIPS 8.

7/4 The wish in some concept is time travel, and this is exactly a macro quantum eraser experiment. Also, the present city itself is the true past one when I wish, and in a city, though I probably don’t need to experiment, I am convinced all existing people and things which I touch alter the past. As for my mother’s traffic accident, I know what applies, so it will be changed.

7/5 3 point machine is of course right as my wish method, but it’s not the only and I don’t need a method in a wish, and I can easily go to the past and alter the past without any method.

It's the past for me, but can’t I go to a memorable time? At the same time as 2016 the start of the wish, I should have more time freedom in a city.

2023 Nausicaä book is past. If I change it, I must change the similar past.

7/6 I end up with more Nausicaä goods.

I have to go to a memorable time.

I can go to the past by a macro eraser. That’s the true past as a fact and as my sense. Feeling unable to go to a memorable past is merely due to my perception that I can only sense for a moment, just like a normal past. But this is not too short.

I am secure of victory about Nausicaä.

7/7 First, my momental declaration is an observation from the future. I can stay only for a moment to change? But macro is definite. A: How about the TV on? The past time is long on the air now.

B: In the future, I create my memorable time in an instant, and I must be in the definite world of the past which does hardly disappear immediately or become imperceptible.

Actually, these are wrong ideas, but supposing that I alter both TV and my memory in an instant with future mental activity. Didn’t I come the past? Is it just altering the past with future mental activities? If macro, I go to the past and take my time with changing it by my brawn.

But isn't it the past of imitation? No. Lumonde, NANA CLIPS 8 and Nausicaä book are the true past things of which I am in the past now.

Hence, I am not wrapped in all of the past but in the true past world where a part of the past exists.

I will change the history so that Assassination of Shinzo Abe did not happen.