the first day of my new life as an adult | 相場の源氏物語

the first day of my new life as an adult

I started to work as a part-time job at a research institution on April 1st and I also proceeded in doctor's course today. So I'm gonna be really busy for a couple of weeks from now on. I guess most of people who made a step into their first career this year are feeling freshness in his entirely new life and proud of being working as a member of society. On the other hand, now I feel delicate because I don't start a full- time job as well as ordinary people but I have a really whapping responsibility for my work, study and any adult behavior. I have to accomplish my tasks without dragging anyone else in our project.

Anyway, I should be confident even if I'm told that I'm still a student. I should have a huge dream if I decide to go this way--I know my decision makes people think me strange.