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Everyone lies on their resume! So do I!

Actually I'm really swamped with a lot of tasks in this April. But I could not encourage myself to begin my tasks immediately and I wasted a bunch of times to get myself address task one by one. I have to all my task done by next week but I'm not sure I can make it.

By the way, I undertook the role of a coordinator in my project team. My duty is to get in touch with the partners of our project, to accept and reflect their opinion to our questionnaires. The partners are staff form Cambodian central bank, AMRO, and JICA. So I need to use English to communicate with them. It will be tough for me. But my co-worker is supposed to help me about English matters. So I'm not so much nervous so far. My sole concern is that I lied on my English skill. I said I can speak English fluently. So I'm feared to let them down because of my terrible English skill.

the first day of my new life as an adult

I started to work as a part-time job at a research institution on April 1st and I also proceeded in doctor's course today. So I'm gonna be really busy for a couple of weeks from now on. I guess most of people who made a step into their first career this year are feeling freshness in his entirely new life and proud of being working as a member of society. On the other hand, now I feel delicate because I don't start a full- time job as well as ordinary people but I have a really whapping responsibility for my work, study and any adult behavior. I have to accomplish my tasks without dragging anyone else in our project.

Anyway, I should be confident even if I'm told that I'm still a student. I should have a huge dream if I decide to go this way--I know my decision makes people think me strange.

Restart my blog

I decided to restart writing my blog, and I'm gonna write it in English. It would be a nice practice for me to be a good English writer.

Probably you naturally have questions for me, like what makes me think so? and also why did I suddenly make a such decision? It is because I'll start my new life from April. My new life is not essentially different from my present life. But, in addition to my daily study, I'm gonna start part- time job at a research institution and I will be required the sophisticated English skill, especially at least business level. Anyway, I have to improve my English before I face any trouble related to English on the job.

Eventually this motivated me to think it would be the best way to write down my daily life on Ameba blog. This blog allows me to be an anonymous writer. That is quite convenient for me.

In my blog, I haven't yet decided what I'm gonna write about. So far I'm gonna write down about what I found, what I realized and what attracted me in my daily life.

See you later, alligator.
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