


I still remember it like it was yesterday. Receiving an urgent wake up call from family and friends, watching the buildings tumble down, grey clouds of ugliness over-taking the clear blue sky. Unsteady feeling of sadness and emotional moments; it was not easy for my family, nor anyone else I knew.


I thought to myself how can a regular human being retain so much anger and selfishness…be so obstructive and heartless???

Then I started to think about how easy it is to brainwash someone, and how one allows him or herself to be brainwashed by a higher powered individual or group.

As much as I feel sorry for the victims of September 11th, I also feel sorry for the terrorist, because they were not only pressure and brainwashed, but they allowed themselves to be destructive.

I call this weak-mindedness. The mind is very powerful, but you have power over it, so why not control it? And guide it in the right path.

Sorry for the rampage. I could go on and on about this subject.
Thank you for reading this important issue!

Please let me know what you think!

