Description: BackTrack - Backup - Utilities - Modesitt Software - 676 KB


Note: The developer has ceased development on this application. BackTrack brings Mac users a new level of safety by logging all text (except passwords) that is typed onto all windows in all applications as well as a screenshot of the topmost window or desktop. The main advantage BackTrack has over other logging applications is BackTracks ability to log the window name that is in front while you are typing. BackTrack saves all its data to a fast-access SQLite database file. This file contains the application name, the window name, the date & time, and what you typed as well as past screenshot images. Note: BackTrack is not compatible with OS X 10.9 Mavericks. We're working on it, but for now it will not work with Mavericks.

for 10.13.4 5.8.BACKTRACK.8AE3F.TAR.GZ | 628 kbytes |
MacBook Air | 608 kbytes |

Modesitt Software
Official site:

Recomended to 10.12.6 tVbarM_v.1.1_MacPhun_Snap_Pack.pkg [186163 kb] 1.3
High Sierra BARCODY-3.20-QZZIH.APP [31624 kb] 4.16
Updated MacOS VERS_2.0.24_FREE42_HG1UFM.ZIP [9903 kb] 2.2.23
Version for Mojave 3y3_ver_1.5_Worml.tar.gz [1328 kb] 3.3
Best! version [44402 kb] 7.2.5

| 561 KB | Get 83I BackTrack v 5.7 5.6 Updated version
| 662 KB | Free v 5.8 BackTrack fAIAJa 5.9 Recomended! version
| 642 KB | Update M86aw BackTrack 5.7 5.6 Updated on OS X