Bonjour Mademoiselle et Monsieur!

Comment allez-vous? Je vais bien.

Je m'appele Aki encore. Je voudrais Je veux écrire le journal.

Hi, this is Aki again from Montreal.
These sentences are simple French greetings, though very simple ones below in English.

"Hello, ladies and jentleman.
How are you? I'm fine.
I am Aki again. I want to write diary."

That's why I wrote such sentences in French, there are lots of signs and explanations written in French and I just want to say something in French, haha:)
But, in fact, it is really interesting and fun for me to communicate with language used there, French in Montreal. So I want to speak in spite of very basic one, if I can and get chance.

Actually today is 4th day of this conference. Lots of things were happened and we could meet and get networking with many people coming from all over the world. But it includes one bad thing especially for me.
... my wallet was stolen in my room of our Youth Hostel yesterday... while I slept zzz. But fortunately there was only $60 in it in my memory. But of course this amount is problematic for a student and I didn't have no Canadian dollar, only some US dollar, Chinese RMB and Japanese yen. This happening really got me thinking, because there were a few way to get money to survive. Fortunately I can borrow some money from Kana, but if I'm only in rural area in overseas... I cannot imagine;;;;
And at this evening I could get new and emergency Mastercard by UPS to YH. So I can enjoy conference session and diner party with YWP to day:P

Thus, let's get back to main point of this blog.
Today I attended workshop below.
"Impact of the 2008-2009 global financial water crisis on water and sanitation services"

In this session, workshop (though not characteristic one) many European and American planners, account workers and municipalities in water sector. Mainly discussed pricing for water tariff, and financial risk management and so on. And many times they discussed collecting same amount of investment from water business. About these points there were some case study, i.e. Romania and Chile. That's why they become careful about financial return, write-off, vicious unpaid and debtor increased because of bankruptcy in 2008-2009. No Japanese was there, but if they really want to expand water business to the world, this was important opportunity to know difficulties of water business in the world, I wondered and felt so.
As a result to attend these sessions, I perceived infrastructure business is very important to communicate with resident and people living and working in that country with face-to-face meeting. In spite of it, almost of Japanese communicate with only Japanese. During attending this, I have wondered what the aim to attend International meeting is. I felt we have to consider the way to communicate and way of global business. Until 2000, we increased the number of population and had money and technology which nobody can imitate. But after bankruptcy and growing developing countries, we have to face to the world to get business and indicate our presence. Well, I also must do it:(

After evening session, we attended Inaugural …???... reception in Intercontinental hotel. But it was for only networking with company person and presidents. Perhaps student were only us, haha ;P And next was dinner with YWP member again. Kana, Hime and me participated in this event and I happened to seat and have dinner with all of company persons. But fortunately 2 of them were Swedish researchers who had knew my favorite university in the world, Chalmers university of technology. So I talked with them with singing Swedish drinking song and some Swedish greetings. In addition, I got chance to chat in French with Belgium. The time was so fun for me to enjoy speaking other languages.

As remembered this conference, we could get lots of international networking and acquaintances. And the business and academic area of water is vast and huge, in Europe and America numerous people are relating to this world, indeed.
Tomorrow (indeed today) is the last day of this conference and held “Gala dinner”. I hope we can enjoy again and can feel or get precious and experiences, of course with drinking and eating nice dishes;P

Au revoir!!