








●オンライン英会話 25分


●NHKラジオ「英会話 タイムトライアル」10分










Callan STAGE6 lesson90


■Every now and again

Q:  What does the expression "every now and again" mean?

A:  The expression "every now and again" means "from time to time".


Q:  Is it good idea to give one's house a thorough cleaning from top to bottom every now and again?

A: Yes, it is good idea to give one's house a thorough cleaning from top to bottom every now and again. 


■No longer

Q:  What do you do with clothes that you no longer wear?

A:  I give away clothes that I no longer wear.



Q:  What is an island?

A:  An island is a piece of land completely surrounded by water.



Q:  Which do you prefer to watch films at home on DVD or the cinema on a big screen?

A:  I prefer to watch films at home on DVD.


Q:  Do you buy CDs and DVDs more often in a shops or online?

A:  I buy CDs and DVDs more often online.


Q:  Is it bad for your eyes to look at the computer screen for too long?

A:  Yes, It is bad for your eyes to look at the computer screen for too long.



Q:  What does your country produce?

A:  My country produces cars and vegetables.



Q:  What kind of things do people often boast about?

A:  People often boast about their jobs, things that they own, etc.



Q:  Is wearing a tie necessity for some occcupations these days?

A:  Yes, wearing a tie is necessity for some occupations these days.