8月27日は友人に誘われて「高円寺 阿波踊り」を観に行ってきました。












Callan STAGE6 lesson90



Q:  What kind of things does your country mainly trades in?

A:  My country mainly trades in vegetables.


Q:  What do you usually mean by a trade?

A:  By a trade, we usually mean a job that person does mainly with their hands, and for which they need special skills.



Q:  What the difference betweenthe words close<Z> and close<S>?

A:  The difference betwee the words close and close is that close<Z> is a verb and meaning shut whereas close<s>is an adjective and meaning near.


Q:  What's the closest you've ever been to real danger?

A:  The closest I've ever been to real danger was when I fell off my bike. 



Q:  When you went on a trip to New York, what would you see?

A:  When I went on a trip to New York, I'd see the Statue of Liberty, Central park, and The Empire State Building.


Q:  When people go on buisiness trips, do the companies usually pay for everything?

A:  Yes, when people go on business trips, the companies usually pay for everything.


Q:  Which would you prefer an exciting trip to a big city for the weekend or  quiet fortnight on the beach?

A:  I'd prefer a quiet fortnight on the beach.