カランメソッドは先生が質問した文章を、Yes, No などの答えと、その後に文章を省略したりせずに完成形で答えていくというスピーキングに特化した英語の学習法です。










Pale in comparison to 見劣りする



I drew the picture today, but it pales in comparion to the one I drew yesterday.

(Yesterday 's picture was better than today's)


I am studying Japanese, but my language skills pale in comparion to those of native speakers.

(I am much worse at speaking Japanese than native speakers.)











Callan STAGE6 lesson87


■Clear/As regards

Q:  Was the sky clear yesterday?

A:  Yes, the sky was clear yesterday.


Q:  Can you make yourself clearly understood when you speak English in everyday situations?

A:  Yes, I can make myself clearly understood when I speak English in everyday situations.


Q:  At what time of the day are the streets usually at their clearest as regards traffic?

A:  The streets are usually at their clearest as regards traffic very early in the morning.




Q:  If you invited me to your house, which would you be my guest or my host?

A:  If I invited you to my house, I would be your host.


Q:  If you could play host to three famous guests, which three famous guests would you choose?

A:  If I counld play host to three famous guests, I would choose Mahatma Gandhi,  Einstein, and Marylin Monroe.



Q:  Have you ever ridden a bicycle at night without light ?

A:  No, I have never ridden a bicycle at night without light.



Q:  If you were a judge, on what kind of criminals would you be the most severe?

A:  If I were a judge, the kind of criminals I would be the most severe on would be murderest.