









Callan STAGE6 lesson87



Q:  What happen to people who are charge by the police with commiting serious crimes?

A:  People who are charged by the police with commiting serious crimes are first taken to court and then if they are found guilty, they are sent to prisen.


Q  How would you feel if you were told to charge the enemy in a battle.

A:  If I was told to charge the enemy in a battle, I'd probably feel very afraid.


Q:  If you had to be in charge of big business, what kind of business would you choose?

A:  If I had to be in charge of big business, I would choose an entertainment business.


Q:  If you are seriously overcharged in a restaurant, would you ask to speak to the manager?

A:  Yes, if I am seriously overcharged in a restaurant , I would ask to speak to the manager.


Q:  Have you ever refused to pay the sevice charge in a restaurant?

A:  Yes, I have refused to pay the sevice charge in a restaurant.


Q:  What's the another use of the word "charge"?

A:  Another use of the word "charge" is in charging the battery, for example in a mobile phone.