the moment (that) ~ | 気になる英語の妄想アウトレット





What's that at its feet?


What's that at the back of the fridge? (

What's that on the desk? 机の上のあれは何?(基礎英語1)





It must wake up the moment you stop playing.


*the moment (that)

As soon as; immediately when.

例文:Lock the door the moment you get inside.



#for the moment:

used to say that something is happening or is true now but will probably change in the future

Well, for the moment we’re just friends.



#at the moment:

I arrived at the (very) moment she was leaving.


at the last moment 最後のどたん場で



#from the monet:

From the moment they met, he was completely smitten by her.
