It's my coffee stand. Whenever I go overseas, I find a way to get coffee easily with cheap cost.


Judging from my experience, instant coffee prouder is the most effective way,,, for me😂


Portable wash-let. You know, Japanese perfectly got used to washing their holes after the longtime restrooms. It's so hard to wipe by only paper that is basically harder and abrasive than Japanese one.

携帯ウォシュレット。 日本人はトイレの後、ほぼ全員?が穴を洗う(笑)基本的に日本のものより硬くて研磨力のある紙だけで拭くのはとても大変だ😂

One of my friend who is top of the table member gave me this gadget in Vancouver 2024 June. He told this gadget is so useful when we go overseas and I wanted to buy it but I forgot to buy it then he gave me. I think that is top of the table.


Gym in the hotel. It was small than I expected 😂

There is only one treadmill 😂

But there was no one except me. (Possibly, due to 5am)


Again, sight from the room (9th floor). You can see Burj Khalifa on the left sidez 



Breakfast. There are various options available. Arab foods, Indian foods, western foods,,, typically spicy.



We are going to leave the hotel and head for Abu Dhabi. I reserved this tour with Veltra  and using domestic local area tourist company Orient Tours.


The first and most exciting destination is Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. We are strictly restricted to wear body conscious clothing. Especially, women need to wear these kinds of clothes. 


The mosque. 

The style of construction and design is totally different from Japanese one and also western countries' one. I think this is very what destructs our gestalt.


It's a precious opportunity. I bought Arab clothes and put on. So hot 🥵 This picture was taken in Abu Dhabi.

せっかくの機会なので、アラブの伝統的な衣装を買ってきてみました。はい、めちゃくちゃ暑いです(笑 この写真はアブダビです。

Lunch at a food court in Marina mall Abu Dhabi.

There were McDonald, Burger King, etc. But I dared to choose one which doesn't exist in Japan, Doner & Gyros. Was delicious. I hope it comes to Japan. By the way, it cost approximately 2000 JPY.


Louvre museum.


Ferrari world. I spent only 30 minutes. But I enjoyed the atmosphere there. 


He guided us all day long. Thanks Annura from Sri Lanka. And we coincidentally were able to make a good relationship with MDRT members in the same Japanese life insurance industry. The miracle happens.


After the tour, we are going to visit Burj Khalifa. This is Dubai mall which is the largest shopping mall in Dubai.


828m, stunning!


The observation deck at 124th floor.


Burj Khalifa was started to build in 2004 and established in 2010. The total cost of construction was 1.5 billion USD. This is the tallest building and construction in the world since 2009. Before that, Taipei 101 in Taiwan was the highest skyscraper. It has 509m.


The other buildings are also skyscrapers, but Burj Khalifa is outstanding. Burj means "tower". Khalifa is the name of a ruler of UAE.


The fountain show at Burj Khalifa. Actually, this fountain was designed by a company which is famous as a designer of a fountain of Bellagio in Las Vegas. I have seen the fountain in Las Vegas. When I attended the TOT meeting in Santa Barbara, I visited there. I experienced the largest fountain show in the world and the second largest one. 

ブルジュ・ハリファの噴水ショー。 実はこの噴水、ラスベガスのベラージオの噴水のデザイナーとして有名な会社がデザインしたもの。 ラスベガスの噴水は2022年TOT会議の時に経験しましたので世界1・2位の噴水ショーを経験したことになります。

By the way, when I was sleeping at the hotel, suddenly a fire alarm system started to rang and spoke aloud to make us evacuate without elevators at 3:30am😂 It was caused by technical issues. (I heard that at the staircase, 5th floor. And then I came back to 9th floor I'm staying.)


What was interesting was the order of announcement of each languages. English was the last language spoken. ( I think the order was like this, Arabic → Hindi → English.) 


In Dubai, most of all people speak English to communicate each other. Of  85 percent of the population who work in Dubai, Asian accounts for 71 percent.


Starting tomorrow, gradually we are going to shift to MDRT conference mode.
