The first morning in Vancouver.

I am staying in Marriott pinnacle.

I can see beautiful skyscrapers and the convention center in front of the sea.




Anyway I'm going to run. Even though I have a muscle pain on my quadriceps. after arrived at the United States I has changed my running form that causes my muscle pain.

とにかく走る。 アメリカに来てから、前モモが筋肉痛。


So beautiful harbor in Vancouver I could've see so many luxury ships.


Oh I could find so expensive Onigiri  in 711 store. That's 6.25CAD equivalent with 700 yen. I can't buy that 😂

711でこんなに高いおにぎりを見つけた。 700円(6.25カナダドル)相当。 買えないわ😂。

As long as I eat something alone I don't want to pay much expensive money for the meal. 


I used to be afraid of making a phone call to the front desk to order something in English but recently I have a gut. I ordered a bowl to eat granola with milk and spoon and an electric kettle to make hot water.

以前はフロントに英語で注文の電話をするのが怖かったが、最近はガッツがある。 ミルクとスプーンでグラノーラを食べるためのボウルと、お湯を作るための電気ケトルを注文。

Currency exchange. I had no chance to exchange because I got here by train midnight yesterday. I asked front desk where I should go and was recommended that I use here. 

両替。 昨日は夜中の電車で来たため、両替する機会がなかった。 フロントに尋ねると、ここを使うように薦められた。 

This team was led by Vincent from Singapore.

The members are Asian, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, and Japan.




10:30am Sorting hats / PGA

This is exactly first task for us, Assistant Director in the annual meeting. Let participants of the meeting recognize who is the PGA, PGA volunteers wear particular hat in the conference.

10:30 帽子の仕分け / PGA





Everyone sorted their hats. Oh I can see Pio from Korea🇰🇷and Piotr from Poland🇵🇱 



Piotr is going to visit Japan 🇯🇵 right after this meeting. I'm going to guide him all day on June 18th, around Nagoya.

ピョートルはこの会議の後、すぐに日本(🇯🇵)を訪れる。 6月18日は一日中、名古屋を案内する予定だ

Sorted. I'm going to share the hats for my volunteers.



Lunch with Piotr.


Situation of life insurance industry in Poland and Japan, we discussed lots things. He is seven times MDRT member(1 COT). He has hired two assistants. How to delegate. That's important.

ポーランドと日本の生命保険業界の状況について、多くのことを議論した。 彼はMDRTのメンバー7回(COT1回)。 アシスタントを2人雇っている。 どのように任せるか。 これは重要なことだ。

We shared sales ideas each other. Inheritance tax in Poland is very low (compared to Japan). He told me how to tap into whole life insurance for inheritance tax.

お互いにセールスのアイデアを出し合いました。 ポーランドの相続税は(日本に比べて)非常に低い。 彼は、相続税対策として終身保険を活用する方法を教えてくれた。

Hoyeol from Korea joined the conversation. He used to live in Vancouver, for 8 months. So he speaks English. Japanese and Korean and Polish are discussing in English. Isn't that funny?

韓国からのホイヨルも参加。 彼はバンクーバーに8ヶ月住んでいたことがあるので英語を話す。 日本人と韓国人とポーランド人が英語で議論している。 面白いでしょ?

3:00pm  PGA leadership meeting.

午後3時 PGAリーダー会議

As long as I understand, I don't use an interpreter.

In this meeting, we talked about how to organize PGA teams starting from tomorrow. And visited the convention center in advance.


今回のミーティングでは、明日からのPGAチームの編成について話し合った。 そして、事前にコンベンションセンターを訪問。

After this, Hoyeol and I stayed and waited until the next part started. We introduced ourselves each other and exchanged ideas and way of thinking.

この後、私とホイヨルは次のパートが始まるまで残って待った。 お互いに自己紹介をし、アイデアや考え方を交換した。

He had opportunity that I want. 

I had way of thinking that he wants.



That's the MDRT magic. We meet each other when we need something that I have for him and he has for me. 

これがMDRTマジックだ。 僕が彼に、彼が僕に必要なものがあるときに出会う。 

6:00pm PGA/PDC Dinner.

Starting with a speech by Greg Gagne, the president of MDRT, we appreciated each other. 

午後6:00 PGA/PDCディナー。


PDC is Program Development Committee which organizes contents and speaks of the conference. PGA is Program General Arrangement which works as volunteers. 

PDCとはプログラム開発委員会のことで、大会の内容や講演を企画する。 PGAはProgram General Arrangementで、ボランティアとして活動する。 

While I was listening to several kind of speeches,

I found that my listening comprehension drops when someone's English is particular type.




These English are kind of, like English spoken in sitcoms or TV shows, real spoken English.


That's what I'm not good at, and what I have avoided so far. I found my problem is clear. All I need to do is do it. And it's what I need to do, but what I want to do.

私の苦手なことであり、これまで避けてきたことだ。 私の問題ははっきりした。 私がすべきことは、それをすることだ。 そして、それは私がやるべきことではなく、私がやりたいことだ。

My 17th international meeting of MDRT and my first meeting as an AD will begin.



Let's enjoy and connect each other. 

You definitely come to know what is MDRT MAGIC.

