May 9th.

A dinner party with MDRT friends. One of my MDRT friends achieved TOT in 2023(a woman in center). We celebrated her after attending Onishi private school.


MDRTの友人たちとの食事会。 MDRTの友人の一人が2023年にTOTを達成しました(中央の女性)。 大西義塾後に、彼女のお祝いをしました。

A person next to me is a champion of sony life insurance in 2023. That's fascinating.



By the way, a lecture meeting which he and I are going to talk will be held on July 16th in Nagoya by Mission school. Only people who referred by students or graduates of Mission School can participate. If you are interested in it, please find the students or graduates of Mission School.


ミッションスクールの生徒や卒業生の紹介を受けた人だけが参加できます。 (無料 興味のある方は、ミッションスクールの生徒か卒業生を探してください)

It will be held from 2:30pm - 4:30pm. That's named "Champions' talk show. How to break through from MDRT to COT and TOT, and finally to the championship.

The key is coaching.

JRゲートタワー、午後2時30分から4時30分まで。 その名も「王者対談」。 MDRTからCOT、TOTへ、そしてチャンピオンへ。その秘訣はコーチングにあった。

Onishi private school.

I think it's the highest level lecture for life insurance advisors in Japanese. I know most of the content of the lecture but sometimes I find knowledge I don't know. And I highly appreciate the philosophy of the principal.


生命保険アドバイザー向けの講義としては、日本で一番レベルが高いと思います。 講義の内容はほとんど知っていますが、それでも時々知らない知識を見つけることがあります。 なにより先生の考え方・哲学に感銘を受けます。

May 13th.

I invited my junior colleague from Osaka. He transferred to Osaka from Nagoya. Once he joined our branch office in Nagoya. He decided to change places after marriage.


大阪から後輩を迎えて勉強会。名古屋から大阪へ転勤、一度は名古屋中央支社に入社した彼は 結婚を機に関西へ。

At the beginning of his career, his result wasn't going well. But gradually he has changed his mind and become successful. What happened to him, what made him successful. I asked him to share his story.


1. Absorb like a sponge 

Be obedient and learn everything from people around you especially who have succeeded. The most you learn, the more you come to know that you have a lot of things you don't know.

1. スポンジのように吸収せよ

素直になって、周りの人たち、特に成功した人たちからすべてを学びなさい。 学べば学ぶほど、自分には知らないことがたくさんあることを知るようになる。

2. Don't take notes, record it.

You may not look again at any notes that you took in lectures. It only makes you feel that you learned seriously but actually not acquired. He always records lectures he takes and likes to them over and over again, especially while driving.

2. ノートは取るな、録音しろ

講義で取ったノートって二度と見ないでしょう。 真面目に勉強した気になるだけで、実は身についていない。 講義を受けたら必ず録音し、特に運転中に何度も繰り返し聞くべし。

3. Take action 

Taking notes, recording lectures don't mean you are able to be successful. The success comes only when you take action. Output what you learned immediately. Then the knowledge you got became true knowledge that you can tap into.

3. 行動!行動!アウトプット!

ノートを取ったり、講義を録音したりするだけでは、成功できるわけではない。 行動して初めて成功が訪れる。 学んだことをすぐにアウトプットする。 そうして得た知識は、あなたが活用できる真の知識となる。

The most joyful thing is that who learned from me teaches someone follows what he or she learned from me. 


It's like an auto-mail in Full metal alchemist, isn't it? 

I think it's true fight after feeling some pain. 

No pain, no gain.




The average distance in a month goes over 150km.

That's incredible because I had no habit of running before September 2023.



May 26th.

Then, I participated a relay marathon race in Gifu with my friends in Mission School. We ran 42.195km with two teams. We needed to finish within 3 hours and successfully did approximately 3.5 hours for both teams.


ミッションスクールの友人たちと岐阜で行われたリレーマラソンレースに参加した。 2チーム×42.195kmを走りました。 4時間以内にゴールする必要がありましたが、両チームとも約3時間半でゴールすることができました。

I ran for 8 laps, 16km, on average below 5 minutes per kilometer. Actually, I was the member of both teams.


Electric acupuncture.

Now, I'm suffering from left thrushitis and right shin splints. These come from unbalanced body. My dominant hand is right, my dominant leg is also right. I always grab a heavy bag with my right hand. I want to balance my body.


今、私は左の鵞足炎と右のシンスプリントに悩まされている。 これらはアンバランスな体から来ている。 利き手は右、利き足も右。 重いバッグはいつも右手で持つ。 体のバランスを整えたい。

Anyway, starting from today, I'm going to leave Japan and head to Seattle. Staying two days in Seattle, I'm going to attend the annual meeting in Vancouver starting from June 9th. I'm an Assistant Director in this conference. So I have lots of things to do and I'm excited to do them with my friends in MDRT.

ともあれ、今日から日本を離れ、シアトルに向かう。 シアトルに2日間滞在し、バンクーバーへ。6月9日から開催されるMDRT世界大会へ。 この会議でアシスタント・ディレクターを務めるのでMDRTの仲間たちと一緒に、たくさんのことをするのが楽しみです。

One year ago, an idea comes to my mind while I was brainstorming with my friend in Mission School.


 If I achieve TOT before leaving Japan for the annual meeting in June every year, how comfortable I feel!!


After that epiphany, I have visualized everyday that I have achieved TOT and confirmed it on a plane heading to North America. 


What we can imagine will come true. Because your RAS is rewritten by doing that.



See you in Vancouver.
