What has changed my life is so-called coaching. Of course, I mainly have been affected by Mission School, but not only it.

私の人生を変えたのは、いわゆるコーチング。 もちろん、私が影響を受けたのは主にミッションスクールだが、それだけではない。

I've been investigating what is coaching and how to use our marvelous brains. Despite grapevines of criticism and doubt for it, I think TPIE by Dr. Tomabechi is an excellent coaching method.

コーチングとは何なのか、私たちの素晴らしい脳をどのように使えばいいのかを調べてきた。 苫米地博士のTPIEは、巷では批判や疑問が渦巻いていますが、私は優れたコーチングメソッドだと思っています。

One of my friends in Mission School asked me what is my recommendation and he started to listen to this. From the opportunity, I'm listening again. Maybe it's 30th time.

ミッションスクールの友人が、私のお薦めは何ですかと聞いてきて、これを聴き始めた。 私もそれをきっかけにまた聴いてます。たぶん30回目くらいかな。

If you feel something like "I should " "I need to" "I have to" "I must ", you may have some problems that you use your brain wrongly.


Our brains have amygdala that controls ours emotions about comfort of discomfort. It's primitive area of our brains. When you hesitate, procrastinate, or fear, the amygdala instinctively denies these things.

私たちの脳には扁桃体があり、快適さや不快さに対する感情をコントロールしている。 脳の原始的な領域だ。 躊躇したり、先延ばしにしたり、恐れたりするとき、扁桃体が本能的にそれらを否定しているから起こる。

So, how to make your primitive brain comfortable and make immediate decisions which lead you towards the goals without procrastination.


Goal setting is everything. 


If you can shift your perspective from the current situation to the future one that you are already capable of achieving your goals, then you can shift your comfort zone from the present one to the future one. 


"It's strange that I can't do this! Something may be wrong! It's not like me! " If you can think like this, it's successful.

「これができないのはおかしい! 何かが間違っているのかもしれない! 自分らしくない! 」こう思えれば成功です。

Now, I'm reading this book. I bought it when I attended the TOT meeting in Naples, probably. He had affected my life when I was young. I watched Terminator 1 & 2.

今、この本を読んでいます。 ネイプルズでのTOTミーティングに参加したときに買いました。 彼は私の若い頃の人生に影響を与えた。 ターミネーター1と2を観ました。

In the book, I've found several phrases which I can listen in audiobooks by Jim Rohn and Brian Tracy. Every principle of success may come from the same place. 

この本の中で、ジム・ローンやブライアン・トレーシーのオーディオブックで聴けるフレーズをいくつか見つけた。 成功の原則はすべて同じところから来ているのかもしれない。 

Mar. 27th 

I moved place to place by train in order to prepare a business trip for Fukui prefecture. I'm going to deliver a seminar there with a tax accountant.


福井出張の準備のため、電車であちこち移動。 税理士さんとのセミナーがある。

Usually, it takes me about 1 hour to Hashima in Gifu, but I didn't feel time when I was in the train. As long as it's not crowded, train is a good way to move especially in this agreeable season.

いつもは岐阜の羽島まで1時間くらいなのだが、電車に乗っていると時間を感じない。 混んでいない限り、この季節の移動は電車がいい。

After a work, I was heading for Fukui. One of my senior colleagues is from Fukui. There is his parents' house still now. He is very enthusiastic to contribute to companies in Fukui.

ひと仕事を終え、福井へ向かう。 先輩に福井出身の人がいる。 今も実家がある。 福井の企業に貢献したいと意気込んでいる。

i always confine my projects into those whose place is located within 1 hour from my house by car. Except Fukui, I basically decline every opportunity to set up a meeting in far places in order to maintain good services after selling life insurance.

私はいつも、自宅から車で1時間以内のところに案件を絞っている。 福井以外では、保険を販売した後も良いサービスを維持するために、基本的に遠方でのミーティングはお断りしている。

Mar. 28th

Morning in Fukui, I ran for 8km around the Fukui castle. It was so comfortable.


福井の朝、城の周りを8km走った。 とても快適。

After the seminar, I had fantastic seafood meals in the area near Fukui station.


It works out to one and half years since I delivered my seminar for the first time in Fukui. And There has been no result so far. But it probably would be a great harvest season before long.

福井で初めてセミナーを開いてから1年半。 今のところ結果は出ていないが、おそらくそのうち


Mar. 30th

My son graduated his nursery school. Finally, he is going to be an elementary schooler from April. Time flies.


息子が保育園を卒園した。 いよいよ4月から小学生。月日が経つのは早い。

Mar. 31th

I was in Oksaka. One of my important customers invited me as a tutor for an event of 20th anniversary of his company, which a lot of contractors of  the company participated. 



I delivered the same kind of seminar as usual. They were fascinated by my talking. The more I spoke, the more they were attracted. 

私はいつもと同様のセミナーを行った。 彼らは私の話に魅了された。 話せば話すほど、彼らは引き込まれていった。 

Two friends of mine who are also students of the coaching school attended the seminar in order to learning something from me as participants.

I love them because I love those who are enthusiastic to learn and grow without any hesitation to be refused or to be embarrassed.


We were going to visit Osaka in relation of my business trip delivering the seminar. But my wife came down with disease and we needed to cancel it. 


セミナーをする出張と紐付けて家族で大阪に行く予定だった。 しかし、妻が体調を崩してしまい、キャンセルせざるを得なくなった。 

Instead of that, I took my kids to a park neighboring my city. It was pity that we couldn't travel but that was precious time I could spend with them and let my wife take care of herself all the day.

その代わりに子供を連れて隣の市の公園へ。 旅行に行けなかったのは残念だったが、子供たちと一緒に過ごせる貴重な時間だった。

Apr. 2nd

An ultimate study group, Onishi private school, was held and I gathered with legendary life insurance advisors in Japan. Three out of six are the past presidents of MDRT Japan chapter.  Amazing.


大西塾〜それはこの業界の究極の勉強会〜が開催され、日本の伝説的な生命保険アドバイザーたちと集まった。 6人中3人がMDRT日本会の歴代会長。  すごいわ。

Apr. 6th

I ran for 15km for the first time in my marathon history. It not surprising distance for serious runners but for me, it's progress.


自分マラソン史上初めて15kmを走った。 本格的なランナーにとっては驚くような距離ではないけれど、私にとっては進歩。

What I was amazed was the amount of consumption calories 😂



I took my daughter to Ikebukuro in Tokyo in order to let her visit famous K-POP shops there. As a father of 10 year-old daughter, it was a rare opportunity to travel without other family members.


娘にK-POPの有名店を回らせようと、池袋まで連れて行った。 10歳の娘を持つ父親としては、他の家族抜きで娘とプチ旅行できる貴重な機会でした。

Apr. 8th

An entrance ceremony of an elementary school was held and my son entered it. Time flies.


小学校の入学式。 月日が経つのは早い。

I ran 139.2km in four weeks. It's amazing that I have run over 240km since I bought my Garmin watch and started to measure my running activity at the middle of February.

4週間で139.2km走った。 2月中旬にガーミンウォッチを買ってランニングの活動量を測り始めてから240km以上走ったことになる。

As usual, I am taught by my running coach one a month. And I've increased times from once a month to once two weeks.

いつものように月に1回、ランニングコーチに教えてもらっている。 そして月1回から2週間に1回に回数を増やした。

An effective form will be the most important thing in order to run faster and comfortably. The hiring coaches will not be cheap but it's worth. Because those who know how to improve and achieve something you want to achieve can teach us the fastest and nearest paths.
より速く、快適に走るためには、効果的なフォームが最も重要だ。 コーチを雇うのは安くはないが、それだけの価値はある。 なぜなら、達成したいことを達成するための方法を知っている人は、最速で最短の道を教えてくれるから。

The run coach introduced an electric acupuncture therapist to me in order to cure my pain.


I'm going to write about the annual meeting of MDRT Japan chapter in the next article due to plenty of content.

MDRT日本会大会については、内容が盛りだくさんなので次回に書くことにします^ ^