The new year holidays, my family and I stayed in parent-in-law's house and I visited my ancestor's grave to pray and weed with my son.


My son doesn't know almost all my family. My father passed away at age 51 when I was a fresh member of society. It was 21 years ago.


Ugh!! I got the seasonal flu on Jan 4th. Before it, my wife came down with that. It's contagious so it couldn't help.

ぎゃー😱 1月4日にインフルエンザになりました。その前に妻がかかったてうつりやすいからしょうがない。

I was able to stay new year holidays without doing anything. That's a precious opportunity for me. Because I'm a person who wants to do something goal-achieving every time.


Nevertheless, I watched  English movies, read 

English books, but I couldn't speak English. So I broke my streak that I always take one English lesson online a day.  Inevitable!!!

とはいえ、英語の映画も見たし、英語の本も読んだ。たださすがに英語は話せなかった。だから、1日に1回は必ずオンライン英会話レッスンを受けるという私の連勝記録は途絶えた。  しゃあない。

At last, I finished "Exit 8". (Do You Know that?)  One day, my son begged me to play it with him. It's not provided for usual gaming devices but for PCs.  

ついに「8番出口」をクリア😆 ある日、息子に一緒にやろうとせがまれた(通常のゲーム機用ではなく、PCでしかプレイできないです)

It's a simple game that players aim for 8th exit in the game. The rule is this, "If you find anomalies, turn back. If you don't find any anomaly, don't turn back. There are 31 kinds of anomalies in the game. Some are easy to find, some are not.



I felt this game is a kind of meditation or training of concentration.  Please play it.

このゲームは一種の瞑想であり、集中力のトレーニングであると私は感じた。  ぜひ遊んでみてください。

By the way, I applied for running coach. After the marathon race in the National stadium held by MDRT Japan chapter, I wanted to continue my habit to run usually. But I have symptoms of sciatica on the left side of my leg.


So I decided to approach this problem from several aspects. From my form of running, daily posture, and stretching muscles.


The picture above is what I experienced in a company that my coach, Takeyan , is managing. A physical expert implemented a program for me.


Jan 16th

I listened to a speech by Kumi Yamamoto who is a current CEO of "Sekai no Yamachan", Yamachan of the world, and a wife of the founder of the company.



The founder suddenly passed away of aortic dissection. She abruptly came to need to be the business successor of the company. She had no experience with it, she has three children. She was just a housewife. 


Her story was how she overcame the obstacles with employees of the company and life insurance money that the founder signed up just 1 year ago before he died.


Coincidentally, she was able to get through the inheritance tax and maintain the company.


This company is a super famous restaurant which provides fried chicken wings. Everyone recognizes the company as a large company. But actually, the company is a non listed company as well as companies so called small or middle sized companies in Japan. 


And, I was chosen as a assistant director of PGA in the annual meeting in Vancouver. It is fantastic honor for me to serve MDRT as AD.


Jan 16th

The first AD’s information meeting was held online. I was excited about the participants of the meeting. Because some of them are acquaintances already. As well as them, I introduced myself in English. 



There was a translator who translated English or other languages into Japanese. But I tried to listen as much as possible.


Each AD needs to invite MDRT members to PGA at least thirty. I strived and achieved in one day. I appreciate the fact I have fantastic friends in MDRT society.

各ADはMDRTメンバーを少なくとも30人はPGAに招待する必要がある。私は頑張って1日で達成しました😆 MDRTに素晴らしい友人がいることに感謝です。

One of my friends asked me like this. I remember I sent the same kind of message to senior friends in MDRT and I immediately started to learn with online English school.


Whenever it is,  who is eager to get something is the strongest.


Finally, I passed 20,000 minutes for lessons in DMM English. It works for 800 lessons and approximately 400 hours. But as I wrote above this, I have another account in Native Camp. So it doesn't indicate how much time I've spent on online English lessons.


Recently, my expertise comes into really deep domain. Mainly, I deal with problems of business succession and share in companies whose stock prices are so high to go through without strategy. So I need knowledge about such a reorganization.


These are books I read in January. I love reading something abstract. It makes me think about quality of my life.


A man who reads one book in a week can read 52 books in a year, 520 books in a decade. Another man who read a book in a year. This guy reads only 10 books in a decade.


Maybe the former one becomes one of the most prominent person in his industry. And the latter one becomes poor.


How you determine your life determines your life.
